"Ten points from Slytherin," he seethed. "I do hate taking points from Slytherin, Miss Fellstone, and you seem to be making me do it repeatedly as of late. I have perfect control over myself. You, however, seem incapable of keeping your hormones in check.

"As far as the dress code goes, I could report you for wearing those boots you seem so fond of." He was very sharp and curt. His words cut into me, but I didn't take it personally. I knew he meant it personally, but I had to expect this sort of response from him.  Nobody had ever referred to Snape as warm or mild-tempered.

"My hormones have nothing to do with this. I think you know that," I tried not to call him 'Sir' or 'Professor' when we started talking about personal things, "and we seem to have the same taste in shoes." I smirked. It was true that I found Severus physically appealing, but I didn't lust after him. Whatever I felt for him was deeper than that, more intellectually based. How deep my feelings went, I didn't know, but I did know I wanted more from him than hormonal satisfaction.

"Will you let this drop?" he asked ignoring my shoe comment. I could tell he desperately wanted me to let it go, but I couldn't. Not when the look in his eyes told me I had a shot at winning him eventually.

"You claim you can't say yes. Well, I can't take no for an answer. I'll keep dressing like this, and I may give you reason to take points from Slytherin from time to time. It's a price I'm willing to pay," I looked him hard in the eyes. "I know you're worth the fight so I'm not giving up."

His eyes widened. He seemed utterly shocked by my last couple of statements which pleased me. It seemed he didn't see much worth in himself, and to be told he was worth something was unheard of. It made my heart ache for him, but all too soon his face turned impassive again.

"This is a game of will power, Miss Fellstone. Do you really think you have more will power than I do?" he challenged me darkly. I dropped the cute little school girl act all-together and gave him an even harder, steady glare. I would show him I could play on his level.

"Only time will tell," I said just as darkly as he had. "You don't know me very well, but let me tell you a thing or two about me now." He merely arched an eyebrow so I continued. "My favorite animal is a wolf. This is so because they are strong, caring creatures. They can survive all alone, but they prefer a pack.

"Wolves mate for life. A wolf's key desire in life is to find their mate and stick to them until death. I am stronger than I let on, and when I care for someone I will do anything for them. I will never let them go." I gave him a meaningful look which he held without faltering.

Call me a snake or a wolf and I didn't care. They were both predatory creatures and somehow Snape had become my prey. I think Snape knew I was being completely serious because he squared his shoulders and straightened his posture before he spoke again.

"In that case, I am the lone wolf," he said. His voice was firm, but somehow I sensed a deep sadness inside him. It made me long to hold him. I felt my eyes water and was glad my make-up was water-proof.

"What is it now?" he growled making me curse his acute perception. "Surely I haven't said anything worth tears," his tone was reprimanding in an incredulous sort of way.

I shook my head and forced the tears to stop before they spilled over. I tend to only really cry when my heart hurts for other people, like when Lynx's brother was killed.

"It's nothing," I said softly. His face softened a tiny bit.

"Don't lie to me," he commanded tightly. I looked deep into his eyes without hiding an ounce of my emotion.

"My heart hurts for you because, even though you won't admit it, you're in pain; and you won't let me do anything about it," I confessed. My voice was ragged with emotion. His impossibly dark eyes softened a little more. I felt so small admitting such a deep feeling to a man with such a strong presence. However, he didn't seem so bullet-proof right now.

"What makes you think you could do anything to help me if I did let you try?" he asked coolly. I was surprised he didn't sound angry.

"I can't explain that. I just know that I could if you would let me," I admitted feebly.

"No," he said simply. I looked at him confused. "There's nothing for you to do. Find someone else."

"Why?" I asked immediately.

"Because I don't want you!" he snapped harshly. I flinched and felt tears slip over the edge of my eyelids. I squeezed my eyes shut and turned away from him. It felt like I would fall apart if I tried to walk so I leaned my back against his desk and silently sobbed into my hand. My shoulders shook as I cried.

~Oh no Severus! How could you be so cruel! lol Snape has a lot of internal battles going on that Isabella just doesn't understand. *sigh* ~

Descendant of Merlin (Severus Snape) Book 1: Anger and AweWhere stories live. Discover now