
"Good morning, Miss how can I help you?" The man at the front desk said as he was hanging up the phone. I noticed the chocolate frosted sprinkle doughnut off to the side of his keyboard.

"I'm here because my son and his father are both here. My son is Breezon Jenkins and his father is Christopher Jenkins. I was hoping I could visit them today." He gave a nod and turned to face his computer, typing away into his computer as I patiently waited. The waiting room was full of people this morning, nurses walking all around the main floor. Some clearly tired and others with a subtle smile-

"Well Christopher is in room E3 and you'll have to talk to Breezon's nurse. I can buzz her now if you'd like?" He offered.

"I'm going to visit Christopher and then I'll come back and we can buzz Breezon's nurse. Is that alright?"

"Of course. I'll see you when you return." Smiling at him, I carried on my way down the same path the nurse took me down yesterday. His room wasn't far and if anything it was within sight soon as I turned the corner.

Knocking on the door, I waited a few seconds but got no response so I assume no one else is in the room with him. Opening the door, I found him in the same position as when I left. Only this time his had was laid back against the top of the pillow but he did look like he was at peace.

"Hey Chris, I'm back." I said, walking up to his bed. Looking at all the screens that had to do with his vitals, things looked better. The heart line machine showed a regular beat and that put a smile on my face. "I wish you'd wake up. I stopped by your place and found Sugar Peach in the front yard under that one awkward bush that you let grow by the steps." I said with a smile as I set my bag down on the bed by his feet. "I know they wouldn't let me just walk in with her so I snuck her in my bag." Pulling her out and setting her down, she went up closer to his chest and laid down instantly at his side, resting her head on him. "Lucky us you're so small, Sugar Peach." I said to her as I grabbed my chair again and took a seat.

The nurse could have done a much better job at cleaning up his face. I reached behind me to pull a tissue from the box and wetting it a bit from the sink. Scooting closer to his face, I carefully wiped away the left over dirt and dried blood that clung to his face. Looking at him, I was starting to get a bit teary eyed but did my best to hold in the tears.

Wiping around his eye, I noticed his lid beginning to twitch so I pulled the napkin away and watched him. A few more twitches to his eyes till he completely opened them and I was able to see those beautiful bright hazel eyes. He looked around his room, taking it all in and then his eyes resting on me.

"You're awake." I smiled at him, reaching to grab his hand as I moved the chair as close as I could to his bed. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel like shit." He said in a raspy quieter voice. "Can you move the oxygen thing under my nose down a little?" Nodding my head, I reached for the tube and scooted it down a bit. "Thank you."

"No need for the thank you. Do you want me to call in-" He shook his head slowly. "Where does it hurt the most?"

"Upper half of my body mainly." He was struggling to keep his eyes open and I felt so bad for him. "First time I woke up, I was upset no one was here." He began, pausing for a deep inhale. "It's nice wakin' up the second time to see you."

"I wanted to be here but Sugar Peach is also here with you. Thought maybe she'd make you happy too." I didn't want to bring up last night with him just yet. I can already piece together there was some kind of a shooting based on the condition of his house from the outside.

"Hey Peachy." He said to her. "Thank you, Vonnie and I'm sorry you gotta deal with all this-"

"You were there for me when I was at my lowest from my previous incident and I'm going to be here for you through yours."

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