Chapter 8

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The days flew by and it was August 14th. Adela woke up initially happy, but that faded when she remembered the date. She climbed down from her bed and got dressed. When she went downstairs, nobody seemed to be up. She went into the kitchen to make some food, but she was greeted by all the members of the house clapping and cheering. There were various plates of treats around the kitchen, and streamers hung from the ceiling.

"Happy birthday!" everyone cheered. Adela was stunned for a moment. She felt like running, but propriety and the need not to disappoint others held her there. Somehow, she smiled.

"You guys did this? Wow, thanks!" She meant none of it, but they seemed to believe her.

"Me and Ian baked the cookies," Lucy said enthusiastically. "Melissa made the croissants, and Geoffrey made the crêpes, and Samuel baked eggs how you like them! Christine made everything look pretty!"

"You're all awesome," Adela said with a smile. She wanted to cry.

"We have presents, too," Melissa said happily. "What do you want first?"

"Erm, I don't know," Adela said with false uncertainty. I want to go to bed until tomorrow, she thought. Ian glanced at her with a strange look and she realized that somehow he had heard her. She didn't have it in her to reassure him.

"Let's do presents," Lucy exclaimed, clapping her hands.

"They're in the living room," Geoffrey said. Everyone started to leave.

"Hey, birthday girl," Samuel said, hugging Adela with one arm. "I know last birthday was bad, but I hope to change that this year and all to come."

All she could do was smile and hope she didn't break out in sobs. Samuel guided her through to the living room.

"Mine, mine!" Lucy encouraged. She plopped a box in Adela's lap. Reluctantly, Adela tore through the wrapping paper and opened the box. In it were all the books of the Mortal Instruments series. The excitement on Adela's face was real this time; she'd left her collection at home and had never returned for them.

"Thanks, Luce," she said with a smile. Then she proceeded to open everybody else's presents. Geoffrey and Melissa had bought her yarn and new sewing needles, Christine got her Sierra Boggess's album, and Samuel had somehow acquired the blue Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again dress from Phantom of the Opera. She actually loved them all, and her enthusiasm was proportional.

"Ian, you're last," Christine said. Everyone was excited now. He smiled and ran out of the room. Adela heard him open the basement door. There was some ruffling, then a high pitched bark? Ian emerged again holding a furry, squirming, adorable Saint Bernard puppy. He deposited it in Adela's lap.

"Happy birthday," he said, looking extremely proud of himself.

The puppy sniffed Adela's hands and sneezed. She giggled and hugged it. "Thank you," she said tearfully.

"What's wrong?" Samuel asked with concern.

Adela sniffled. "He's just like Frank." Frank had been her dog since she was 7. Adela had dearly loved him and his sister Ginger, but she hadn't seen them since she'd been sent away to the asylum. She missed them.

Ian looked at her uncertainly. "I love him," Adela assured him. "Thank you so much!" He laughed happily.

"What do you want to call him?"

Adela thought hard. "I'll get back to you," she said. "Cake?"

The day had gotten so much better than she could have thought possible, but she still felt empty. Her presents were perfect, but something was missing from her joy. She pushed that aside and looked at the others expectantly. Melissa jumped up and went to the kitchen. Everyone went into the dining room, Adela carrying the puppy on her lap. She sat at the head of the table. The puppy settled comfortably in her lap and fell asleep under the table. She laughed at him.

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