"You coming?" Jack asked as he stretched his hand to me.

"Why are we here Jack?" I wondered as I took his hand.

"Just trust me." He said as he led me up the mountain. When we were about a castle's height up the mountain, we stopped. My feet were buried in snow and the cold air began to seep through the pores of my clothing.

"Here. No, let's see what you can do." Jack smirked as he backed away from me.


"You heard me. Let me see what you can do." Jack repeated.

"You're absurd!" I exclaimed. "I already know what I'm capable of!"

"But your powers have gotten stronger and will only continue to grow." Jack reminded me. "And you let fear control you back then as well. What can you do without fear?" he leaned on his staff and faced me.

"What do you expect me to do?"

"Just let it go! Be free!" he encouraged.

"Jack... I don't know."

"Come on! What's the worst that can happen? I'll do what I can to stop you if it does get too hectic. You did it once before. Why can't you do it again?"

"You don't understand Jack. That was when I ran away. I'm the Queen now. I have duties and responsibilities. My people look up to me and expect a leader, not anything less. I can't be free anymore." I ranted.

"Yes, they're looking for a leader, someone to look up to. That means they're going to follow you as an example. Yes you have duties and responsibilities, but that doesn't mean you can't have fun with it. Your people want you to be happy and free, so why don't you deliver?" he pointed out.

"Well it isn't that easy." I said falling to my knees. Jack sighed. He stretched his hand out and blew into his palm. A glowing snowball was created in his hand, and he tossed it up.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he caught it in his palm.

"I didn't want to do this." He teased. Before I knew it, Jack whipped the snowball at me. My arms raised to block it, but it landed on my chest. I felt a feeling rise up, so I stood expecting to yell. Instead a rush of happiness spread inside me, and I started giggling.

"What- did- you- do?" I said between laughs. Jack readied another snowball with a smile.

"Hey that wasn't the only one." He smirked as he tossed the ball of ice in the air. I quickly created a snowball in my hand.

"Bring it on." I challenged. I whipped the snowball and it hit Jack square in the chest.

"Oh, it's on." He teased as he chased me. We kept throwing snowballs as we ran up the mountain. Not long after, we weren't running up but straight.

"Plateau!" I warned Jack. The plateau had rocks the size of trees scattered all over and a lake in the centre. I ran behind the rocks to take cover.

"Now we're talking." I heard Jack say from the other side of the rock. The crunching of snow alerted me that he was coming. Quickly I formed a panel of ice my height to block what was going to come. The crunching stopped, so I leaped and started running. Jack's snowballs hit my shield of ice.

"Hey! No fair!" Jack chuckled. I just kept running. I threw my shield aside and ran onto the lake. Jack came not too far behind me.

"This can go on for a while." I pointed out.

"Shall we put this battle on hold My Lady?" Jack suggested.

"I think that would be most wise Mr. Frost." I played along. I stuck my hand out for a deal. Jack however had other plans. He took my hand and shook it, then twirled me around and brought me towards him. When I stopped, Jack was pressed right up against me; his hand in mine, and his other on my hip.

"May I have this dance Queen Ica?" he smirked. I pulled away.

"Um- I don't dance." I admitted.

"Neither do I." he said as he placed my hand on his shoulder and his hand on my hip. I didn't stop him... I followed his moved and yes we danced on the ice. With the wind zipping by with every movement I felt as if I was flying again... Only this time my breath taking view was Jack. The way his hair blew in the wind. The way his cold hand felt in mine. The way he hummed to a song so we had some sort of rhythm to dance with. The way he smiled when he looked into my eyes. Everything was breath taking. Neither of us were paying attention, and we tripped and fell on the edge of the lake. I fell on the snow... with Jack on top of me.

"I'm sorry, are you alright?" Jack panicked. I giggled.

"I've never felt better." I exhaled. "Thank you."

"I was happy to do it." Jack answered. It was then when I realized that our legs were intertwined, his body was lightly on top of mine, and out faces were only inches apart. Neither of us said anything for a little while. We just looked at each other in silence... then his fingers traced my jaw and my hands found its way into his soft hair. I felt his fingers take my chin and tilted my head up. Jack leaned in, and I did the same, then...-

No Elsa! Stop. I said to myself. I pulled away from him, and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Um... we should get back." I murmured. Jack looked away and nodded.

"Yeah, they're probably looking for the Queen..."

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