"New seasonal product that we're testing out. It's supposed to help you stay warm, everybody gets a free sample." He explained, he shrugged casually and acknowledged the free gift.

When he left, he tried the sample out of curiosity and started to cough up blood. "What the hell?" He choked. The liquid was burning hot as it touched his lips, and he staggered down the block. Byron had to get back to the safety of the hotel, but he so reoccupied that he didn't even notice that he was being followed. He looked at his wrists and caught one thing, his veins were turning black.

"A-Abro." He whispered and tried to move faster. He started to panic when he heard chuckles coming from behind him. The men seemed amused at his escape attempt. They managed to track him into a dark alley.

"You look tired, freak. Makes sense since you took that A-Pill." One of them said

"G-Get away from me. Or else." He said

Another man chuckled. "Sounds like a threat, boys." They stepped closer. "So, why don't we feel scared?"

Byron's eyes widened. These were the same men that were in line at the store. He fell to his side in exhaustion. One of them knelt down to his face. "You must not be from around here, freak." He placed a blade against his neck. "'Cause if you were, then you would've noticed the Monster Detector. The cashier did, but you remained oblivious. We got a pretty sweet deal, he detects things like you, and we do the rest." He smirked. "Oh don't worry, we WILL kill you. But, we wanna give you the choice of begging for your life first."

Byron spit blood on his shirt. "Eat me, you bastard." He growled

The men chuckled maliciously. "Guess we got our answer, boys." One of them said and sliced his stomach with a knife. The rest responded by grabbing his legs and arms. The necklace fell from his pocket. One of the men gasped, released him, and fell against the wall. He choked as he touched the knife in his heart and his eyes closed. They turned and saw a girl standing in the street behind them.

"Let him go." McKenna ordered, the men dropped him and walked toward her. The pendant had shattered from the impact of his body.

"You shouldn't have done that to our friend." He pulled out a switchblade. "Now, we'll have to kill you."

"Then do it, but let him live."

He glared. "And WHY exactly would we do that?"

"Because he did nothing wrong."

"Ah, so you're a freak lover are ya!?"

She stared into Byron's eyes. "You could say that."

"Oh, then we'll REALLY have to kill you now."

She pulled out her shooter, and aimed it at his neck. "You're welcome to try."

Byron's eyes were tired, and he was ready to let them rest from the blood loss. Until he noticed someone running at his dear love. "Mm." He moaned. "M-Mac." He rolled to his side and reached out to her. He screamed as loud as he could. "B-Behind you!" He shrieked and reached out to her. She gasped and ducked from the unexpected surprise. She immediately swept her leg and saw that it was an old man with a bat. He fell to the ground and was now bleeding from his head, the old man was dead.

The click of a hammer from a pistol caught her attention, especially when it was poking her in the back of her head.

[If he shoots me in the head...my heart will still be intact. So I can kick BOTH their faces in.] She thought and closed her eyes

Byron struggled to his feet. "N-No. McKenna. Don't do it." He leaned against the wall. "Nooo!" He screamed and fell to the ground

When she opened her eyes, she was confused. She thought she was in a cave with trying to make it's way through. There were strange sparks of electricity every now and then. "What the hell?"

[Thirsty, are you okay?] He thought

"Y-Yeah, but where am I!?" She thought back

[It's kinda hard to explain.]


[You're....inside of me.]

"I'm WHAT!?"

[In my brain actually. You can hear me, right?]


[You're listenin' to my thoughts then.]


[Not sure. All I remember were those guys trying to kill you. I watched your body disappear and I passed out. When I woke up, they were gone. I can't really move right now, too weak and too cold.]

"Byron, did you do this?"

[I know that I just wanted you to be safe, but I'm still weak so don't have the kinda power to pull THIS off.]

"So...it was me? Why did you stay out so late anyway!?"

[Guess so. I wanted to get you a goodbye present, but its broke now.]

"A present...for me? You could've been killed! And for what!?"

[A necklace in your favorite color....green.]

Water filled her eyes. "Byron, I--"

[Forget it, its trash now.]

She sighed and wiped her tears. "Are those creeps gone? How do I get outta here?"

[I thought YOU knew that.] He thought. [Thirsty, I can't...stay awake...]

"Byron, no. Byron? BYRON!"

(TSF 4 or The Sub-sequent Fate) Efficacious #4Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin