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Full disclosure, you guyz: I did some recasting. The girl above is Coco Jones, I chose her a long time ago for Tisa Nez. But lol I can't change the picture to her replacement, Kawannehere Devery Jacobs. So just google Devery and you'll see the difference XD.


      Danielle hugged him tightly. "Been a long time, Seb." She pulled away. "Just look at you! Somebody got an upgrade." She teased. This woman was the only one for him, he loved her no matter his circumstances. He hadn't laid eyes on her in years. But not being able to see the person she became, nearly killed him inside. He remembered the cute sarcastic cheerleader who was always positive. This woman seemed a lot like her, but in a more mature way.

He smirked at the lingering scent of her perfume. "Danni, it's so nice to--" He bit his lip

"See me?"

"Yeah, that."

"It's okay, I mean it's NOT--"

"I know, and I appreciate you trying to cheer me up. Always the hype girl."

"You betta believe it, pal." She took a deep breath. "So, what have you been up to? What's the life of Sebastian Talbot like?"

"Eventful." Bryce responded when he approached them with a cup of punch. "Hi, I'm guessin' you're a friend of Talbot's."

"Oh yeah, we go waaay back."

He held his shoulder. "Danni, this is Bryce."

"Nice to meet ya. You must be the one he was sooo excited to see."

"He was excited?"

Sebastian cleared his throat and tightened his grip. "Um, he doesn't know what he's talking about."

Danielle chuckled and pushed her curly dark hair behind her ear. "Oh, I think he does. Just between us, I wanted to see you too. Bryce, what do you say I take him off your hands for the night?"

"I'd say make sure he's fed, and in bed by midnight." He joked

She grabbed his hand. "I think I should take Sebastian to our favorite place."

"Take him, please! Maybe you can convince him to have fun."

She nudged him playfully. "That shouldn't be a problem." Bryce agreed to leave him, but he shadowed him for his safety and well being. 

(TSF 4 or The Sub-sequent Fate) Efficacious #4Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat