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   McKenna screamed out his name but there was no response. She bit her lip in concern. If she were on the outside, she could bring him back to the hotel. But that was not the case. She was trapped inside of an unconscious man. A man who would soon freeze to death, if she didn't do something.

"Okay, here's facts. Fact one, I put me in here--so I can get me out. Right?" She closed her eyes. "Right! Just gotta focus." Her teeth started to chatter. His body temperature was dropping, and time was passing away.

'Nother fact! I AM in his mind. So maybe someone...can hear it? Maybe a T-Pathis!" She took a deep breath. "So I'll just signal an SOS." She frowned, saving him would also mean contacting another scout. Thus imprisoning him. Again. The headquarters had the proper tools needed to fix his injury, but they also had the right ones for unrelenting torture.

She sighed. "Ian."

She exhaled. [Ian, can you hear me?] She thought

[Ian! Ian Chaucer, are you there!? Ian Chaucer!]

McKenna huffed in annoyance. "Stupid idea, Thurston." She disciplined

[Uh, hello?] A voice echoed


[Who wants to know?]



[Yeah it's me. I need your help.]

[Status update?]

[This....is definitely a 10-04.]

[Whoa. Okay, where are you?]

[In Elkenah with Byron. Please, you HAVE to help him.]

[Him? Don't YOU need rescuing!?]

[Yes, but--]

[Mac, tell me exactly you are!]

[In...an alley on Bowler and Prairie.]

[Alright, I'll be there soon.]

[But, Ian?]


[D-Don't tell Lulu. She'll freak out too much, and do terrible things to him!]

[You have my word, Superior.]

As the sky darkened to its limit, Byron jerked at the sound of footsteps closing in on his location. He was too weak to see with his eyes.

"Thirsty..." He moaned

"Sorry. No water for kidnappers, Cortelli." Ian replied

[Mac, you there?] He thought

[Y-Yeah, I'm here.]

[Where are you?]

[Inside...of his brain.]

"W-What!?" He said out loud, Ryder and Marshall Brooks looked at him bizarrely

    Byron slowly opened his eyes and noticed something. He was not alone. The eyes of Lulu, Ian, Zane, Tony, and John were like daggers piecing into his skin. Another thing that caught his attention, was that his stomach was slowly healing. But his new prison, was freezing cold. His audience was wearing special uniforms to spare them from the frigid temperature. Bein a blaze, winter was always his worst enemy. His feet were dangling above the ground, he was shirtless, barefoot, and he was hanging by a chain around his wrists.

[T-Thirsty?] He thought

[I'm here, what's going on?]

[They're gonna kill me.]

[No, I WON'T let that happen.] She thought back

Ian glared at him. "She's inside his mind, Chancellor.'

Lulu walked closer to the prisoner. "You're a disgrace to all men."

"Chancell-ah!" Byron was interrupted by a hard blow to his wounded gut. Lulu was merciless as the others stood back and witnessed the violent act. She aimed a gun at his forehead. "If you're braindead, then she'll have no reason to be in there."

John stepped forward. "Chancellor! Would you really take such a risk?"

"I'm sure she would understand." Tears streamed down her cheeks. "As would you all, if you had children."

[M-Mom.] McKenna thought

Byron squeezed his eyes tightly. His toes had started to turn dark. Frostbite was setting in, and hypothermia would soon follow. [Y-You gotta get out. It's all over for me.]


[At least we tried, right?]


She closed her eyes. "I can't lose you, not like this! I-I was gonna be the one to kill you."

[Looks like you lose.] He thought

Lulu cocked the hammer. "This is for my daughter, you animal!"

[Nooo!] McKenna thought and re-emerged from his body like dust. She tackled her mother to the floor.


"Mom." She hugged her tightly. "I need a minute alone with him."

(TSF 4 or The Sub-sequent Fate) Efficacious #4Where stories live. Discover now