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Michael Clifford as Michael Clifford
Spencer Tullis
Calum Hood as Calum Hood
Luke Hemmings as Luke Hemmings
Ashton Irwin as Ashton Clifford

Michael Clifford.
A kind boy with a strong mind and a heart that's too big. He would never let anyone he cares about down and tries to be the best he can be. Which causes stress and causes him to break down at  times. He's never felt like he's loved as much as he wants to be and as he loves other people.

Spencer Tullis.
Michael's best friend. They met in middle school, where they became inseparable friends over a sandwich. Spencer comes from a family who don't speak about anything and are never together. They are gone all the time, she has one older brother who is at university in Oxford. She has always been a bit of a loner and never had many friends besides Michael. But when you have Michael, you don't need anyone else. He is everything a best friend needs to be. Loyal, patient, understanding, funny, kind, intelligent, but he has his flaws. He is a sensitive soul. He never shows but it's there, deep down.

Calum Hood.
A sweet boy who's always wanted to help other people. He can care as much for people he hasn't even met yet as the people he does know and are close to his heart. His heart is too big and causes for people using him. He's always wanted to work in a hospital and help people, which is why he studied hard and became a nurse. It's his first month at his real job, when he meets Michael.

Luke Hemmings.
A guy who was the most musical talent of anyone you will ever meet. He wants to make it is in his life as a musician which is all he seems to care for at times, but his friends are close to his heart, even though he has trouble sharing it. His parents don't agree with him wanting to be a musician, which is why Luke decides to keep it a secret. He has been best friends with Michael for as long as he can remember and will do anything for him. Michael is the one person who he wants to see happy, but Michael never has been happy. And Luke knew it, even when Michael didn't.

Ashton Clifford.
Michael's brother. He's a know-it-all, intelligent guy who loves school and loves traveling. He loves his family with all his heart but had to leave them to go to college and study psychology, he wanted to be the best of the best, because helping people was in his nature. It was in his family's nature.  So he went to Yale. All he wanted to do was make his family proud. But when he comes back home for a family visit, he didn't expect to see that everything that could've fallen apart and gone wrong when he left, had actually happened.

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