Chapter 7

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Zartiyil’s P.O.V.

When we finally broke through the last cloud barrier I finally managed to see the land the humans lived in. They lived on the ground. But all the land was covered in a green blanket. Some of it had crops growing from the ground.

I loosened my grip on the reins to take a look down. There were humans there. They were tending to their crops as if it was a daily thing. Why is this? In my realm any grass or plant is practically worshipped. I had never seen much grass except for the hunting grounds and the sacred place.

A couple of the humans looked up at my fleet. They all looked like me! Sure their bodies weren’t finely muscled like mine. Nor did they have my sharp nails or dragon jewel eyes. But they did look like me. I was shocked when instead of cowering in fear they simply returned to work. That made no sense. Didn’t humans hate and fear dragons? Isn’t that why we are attacking?

I look to my left and spot a veteran warrior. He was a calm sky blue color and he was lacking an eye and a talon. But he had been there and seen it all.

“Ruthor, may I ask you a question?” I hollered at him through the roar of the wind.

“Ask away Princess.” His grumbled reply echoed back to me.

“Why is it the humans below aren’t cowering in fear? I thought all humans feared dragons…” I tailed off and sneaked a look back at the ground. A young human girl ran after a ball. She peered up and spotted us. Waving, she smiled a toothy grin and skipped off.

“It is because they do not fear us. They know we have not come to harm them. They are called the Outsiders of the human society. It is said they bred with elves and although they didn’t ride dragons back then. They made peace with them. When the war broke out they took no side, but in return the humans banished them.” Ruthor finished and made a banking turn to the back as the rotation continued.

Elves he said? I look a little harder at the ground. I spotted the little girl run back to hear spot dragging what seemed to be her mother behind her. She waved again and began to jump up and down. Her hair moved to show her long pointed ears that stood out.  The mother smiled equally and waved back.

“Zarti, I would suggest that we focus more on our mission for now. Maybe later you can learn about the Outsiders. But for now we must fight.” Zralor voiced rumbled from beneath me.

He is right. And I hate when he is. Especially right now, in this exact situation.  For I wanted nothing but to turn around now and head back home. To be flying with Zralor around the nest without a care in the world. No worries about if you’re going to be hurt. Or if some of the dragons your flying with right now will be flying with you on your way back.

“You are right…I need to focus…focus…focus…” I smacked myself a few times to wake myself up. I felt a strong gust of wind blow back and smack me in the face. So she decided to come after all.

A large blur zoomed past Zralor and I then took a sudden turn to meet with us. It was Medica. Medica was a medical dragoness. Hint the name. She was faster than the solider but couldn’t fight like them. Since she was born with no talons. Terrible for fighting but excellent to digging lodged objects from injured dragons after battle. Her scales were a light pink color and had this shimmer to them. She gave me a gentle gaze.

Medica and I go way back. When I first arrived here I caught a disease common for dragons. It was just a small cold, but I guess I was more affected by it due to not have adapted to the dragon lifestyles. Since my mama was away on a trip and Zralor was staying with a friend. Medica came and took care of me for seven moons straights.

“I can hear the wheel turning in your head, Zartiyil. Are you worried about the battle?” Her soft voice almost startled me. But I caught my composer before she noticed.

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