Mini Story Thats Complete Crap

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Ok so i saw a fanart and i want to do a mini story on it.
The Galra commander stood tall above lance, aiming his gun at lances head. Lances nose was bloody and his armor was chipped.

The commander laughed and said, "What are your final words you weak paladin?" Lance, with tears running down his eyes responding with "Vol-"

The commander stood, confused. "Vol? That's all-"  He was interrupted by a large slam into the wall of the ship. The dust flew, blinding lance making him unable to see who it was but he knew the second he spoke.


Lance was freed from underneath the commander. He wiped his eyes and saw his rival tackling the commander. The red lions mouth wide open in the wall.

I changed a few things from the fanart but here it is:

I changed a few things from the fanart but here it is:

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So yeah I changed it up a little (A LOT) but I hope you guys enjoyed my shit

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So yeah I changed it up a little (A LOT) but I hope you guys enjoyed my shit.

Space Mouse out.

Trashy Quiznak [Voltron WA 2017]Where stories live. Discover now