King Alfor Was A What?

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So I was thinking. We don't know who the previous paladins were. So, I did some binge watching and I noticed something. King Alfors outfit.

 King Alfors outfit

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Did it not look like a paladins armor? Just I guess more upgraded

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Did it not look like a paladins armor? Just I guess more upgraded. He wore yellow so he could have been the yellow paladin. The symbol on the thing holding his cape on (Idk what the name is lmao) is the same symbol on the thing on the back of Pidges lion. This is just a theroy thing. People are also saying that Zarkon was the previous black lion paladin? I think so. But he could've been the red lion one too because he did say Keith faught like a galra soldier and the lion kinda helps Idk. How else would he have had the red lion? Anyway, enough of my random talk. Enjoy your day.
Space Mouse out. #savespacedad2k16

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