Fugitive Prisonor 117-9875

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"fugitive prisoner 117-9875 detected. remain where you are. security alerted."

anyone remember that part? yeah, im still talking about voltron. Its Shiro. Shiro is prisonor 117-9875. it was said in, i think, episode 10. what im about to say may sound totally stupid but...whatever.

-The first double digit number in it is 11 and episode 11 is called 'The Black Paladin'

-if Shiro could remember this number, would it be easier to possibly find Matt and Sam?

-the numbers vary letters. it could mean anything. (currently working on it)but theres one of them where it makes the letters look like it says 'Pidge' but another where most of the letters are in 'Keith'.

-if they find information on Shiro with this prisoner number, could it help them find out more about Shiro that they shouldn't or could help? (like he faught/killed matt or Sam or other)

again, these are probably crap but i found it while watching voltron crack and that part came up. anyway, have a good day.

Space Mouse out.

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