Chapter 10

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I carefully went to the door and heard them talking. Michael must not have noticed Dylan is the one in his house. I crept around the window and peeked inside.

"Who's this little girl?" Dylan said getting on one knee and bending to Kinley.

Her eyes looked like saucers when he spoke. He moved his finger to his mouth and told her not to say anything. She agreed.

"I have a little toy in my car, would you like it? Do you play with Barbie's?" Dylan said standing up.

"Yes!" She said squealing.

Michael went over and laid a hand on her shoulder and her little body flinched at the touch of him. If I ever find out Michael did something to her, I will kill him myself.

"No thanks. She has enough toys. Right baby girl?" He said smiling down at Kinley.

"No." She said sticking her tounge out at him. "I want mommy!"

Michael got distracted with the phone ringing and walked off to another room. I quietly opened the window from the outside and Dylan brought Kinley to me and I slipped her out.

"Hey!" Michael said running in the room.

I quickly grabbed Kinley and ran to the car. Dylan stayed behind and fought off Michael. I jumped in the car and Kinley crawled in the backseat.

"Go!" Dylan said yelling at me.

He ran out the house holding his leg. Bloody leg. I yelled at him to get in the car and he ran and got in. We drove off and went to a motel.

"What happened?" I said as I sat Kinley down in our new room.

"I punched him and he grabbed a gun and tried to shoot at my chest but I was at the door and threw something at him and instead it hit my leg." He said sitting on the bed.

The room was nice. It wasn't one of the rooms where there's cockroaches running around and the walls are dirty and the bathroom is a mess.

There's 2 queen size beds, the bathroom is nicely made up, the faucet was silver and shiny, there was pictures hanging on the wall of beautiful nature, and the mirror was centered in the wall.

The tv was a flat screen and we had cable. The room came with meals for 3 nights and up to 5 people per meal. This motel was very nice. It didn't cost but $45 for 2 nights.

"What time is it?" Dylan said coming from the bathroom.

He didn't have a shirt on, it was wrapped around his leg.

"3 something I think." I said turning the tv on for Kinley.

I flipped to her favorite channel and she started watching Blue's Clues. I sat on the bed and sighed. Why is Kinley the target for me? Always her.

"Kinley?" I said looking at her.

"Yes mommy?" She said laying on my leg.

"Did your daddy ever do anything to you?" I said as Dylan tuned in.

"No.." She said trailing off.

"Nothing?" I said.

"No. Why would daddy do something to me?" She said kicking her legs in the air.

"I'm just wondering. I'm just making sure he didn't hurt you." I said smiling at her.

"That man hurt me." She said as I shot a look to Dylan.

"What man?" He said sitting in front of us.

"The man that took me. He took me a white van and he told me we were gonna play a game. He said if I said anything, he would do something really bad. I screamed for you mommy.

Then he took his hand and put it over my mouth. I bitted his hand and he cursed at me. I tried to get out but the door wasn't opening. Then he pulled me back to him and took my skirt off and he shoved his fingers in me. It hurt really bad. It still hurts." She said crying.

"What the-"

"Dylan! Language." I said.

"Hospital. Again. Now." He said standing up.

"No! I don't wanna go there!" Kinley said crying harder.

"Baby I wanna make sure nothing is wrong with you." I said standing up.

"I'm fine. I just hurt real bad down there." She said.

"Exactly. Let's go. We can have him get in big trouble." I said as Dylan slid a shirt on.


"No buts! Let's go." I said taking her little hand in mine.

We all piled in the car and we drove to the nearest hospital and waited. There was a lot of young kids in there. I held Kinley close to me.

"Does she know what their gonna do?" Dylan said fiddling with his shirt.

"Nope." I said.

"What is uncle Dylan talking about?" She said slowly turning her head to us.

"He's just saying if you know what the nice doctors and nurses are gonna be doing." I said holding her closer.

"What are they gonna do?" She said.

"Well.... Their gonna put this gown on you and sit you up on the bed. They'll have you lay back and put your legs in a holder so they look at your private area and make sure your not damaged in any way." I said.

"Does it hurt?" She said squeezing my hand.

"No. I don't think." I said as a nurse walked out.

"Kinley Burris?" She said loudly.

We all stood up and walked over to her and followed her to a room. I sat Kinley on the bed and pulled a chair next to the bed. Dylan stood up and leaned against the wall.

"What can I do for you today?" The nurse said batting her eyelashes at Dylan.

Okay yes, my brother is hot. So what? Get over it hoes! I wasn't saying that he's hot like that but Dylan is attractive. Sometimes, I wonder why he even gets girls. Like he can a jerk sometimes.

"Can you not bat your fake eyelashes at my brother and try to look hot. We have a serious major problem here." I said rolling my eyes.

"Excuse me?" She said sucking her teeth to me.

"If my daughter wasn't here right now, I'd be jumping you right now. Don't ever suck your teeth at me again." I said.

She looked at Kinley and then sucked her teeth one last time then rolled her eyes. Dylan moved over to Kinley and covered her eyes.

"You shouldn't have done-"


"How's everything in here going?" The doctor said walking in as I stopped myself in front of the nurse.

"Get. Her. Out. Of. Here." I said gritting my teeth.

"Julie, go check on Room 31 please. I'll take this." He said taking the clipboard.


"Go." He said coldly.

She grunted and walked out the room. I sat back in my chair and Dylan started laughing. I shot him a glare and he immediately stopped.

"I'm Dr. Reynolds. How may I help you?" He said typing in the computer.

"Well my daughter here, Kinley, was sexually assaulted by a grown man. I want her to be checked and make sure everything is okay." I said.

He stopped typing and slowly turned to me. He glanced and Kinley then back at me and seen the look of worry I had on my face.

"I'll send a nurse right away." He said.

"Not that snobby one that was just here. I'll rip her head off." I said.

Dylan cleared his throat and gestured to Kinley. I smiled at her and reassured her everything will be okay. She looked like she wanted to cry, but she didn't. She was being strong. Stronger than I thought she'd be.

The Babysitter (Sequel To My Sexy Babysitter)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ