She gave in too easily Part 61

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Dedicated to my newest follower: krystarbel01!

Sky: Answer me when I'm speaking to you!

Lisa: I don't know what you're talking about...

Mecity: Lies..............

<Every one turned to face her, her eyes were glowing blue and a bright light surrounded her, Sky smirked as she recognised what Mecity was doing.>

Mecity: Truth............lock on.

<The light flashed by and hit Lisa.>

Lisa: What the heck?

Kaeru: Now did you or did you not do something to my pal over here?

Lisa: I didn't!

<She fell to the ground as a red light surrounded her body.>

Mecity: She's lying...

<Everyone present in the hall gasped.>

Kriza: ..OH!

Miketsukkami: What is it Kriza?

Kriza: Earlier today, when we woke up, I saw Lisa mixing something into your cereal...I asked her what it was and she said it was a taste love potion, she said she really didn't want you to hit on the other girls so she put it in....Since she's the love consent, I didn't think I should interfere.........sorry...

Sakon: it's not your fault.

Kriza: Even so, I could've been able to do something before this happened.

Maid Nilya: Master K...

Kaeru: What is it Nilya?

Maid Nilya: I was just trying to suggest the fact that we start looking for Master Éclair. She could be anywhere.....including the garden.

King Levis: Not the garden! Anywhere but the garden!

Mirabelle: Medicos and I will go search in the garden!

Medicos: We're going to do what?

<Mirabelle shot him a death glare.>

Mirabelle: That's what we owe after what we did...

Queen Kari: Be my guests! If you come out alive, you're forgiven!

Medicos: oh thank you! Wait........what do you mean by if we're alive?

Kaeru: Who ever goes in there rarely comes out when looking for Éclair, it'll seem like years, although it's still the same day, you'll hate it...........................................

<Mirabelle and Medicos gulped.>

Kaeru: Good Luck!

----2 hours later----

---In the ballroom---

Mirabelle: w-we're back...

Kaeru: Did you find her?

Medicos: No sire............

Kaeru: where could she have gone?

Sky: Diversion...

Sakon: what do you mean?

Sky: What if electrocuting the guards and going that way was a diversion, maybe she's in the castle?

Queen Kari: Where the heck is this coming from?

Sky: Oh, we always did it to you.

Queen Kari: What?

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