Travelling back Part 29

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Back to school (unfortunately). Anyways, GREAT, BIG, HUGE SHOUT OUT to MOMOAA and her book HUNTED!! 

#Gotta love writing!

----At the mermaid castle----


Elaine: ok you guys, we gotta go now, if we wanna be able to make it back early, we gotta go now!

Ecryn: what about our bags?

Sky: well apparently, the tonic woke up Éclair instead of shutting her down; she packed everything up by herself. So we're ready to go.

Lisa: She was acting strange yesterday...

Miketsukkami: probably cos she showed us her power!

Lisa: yes!

Flame: can we go?

The others: yes.

The maids: wait!

Elaine: what is it?

The maid that was saved: we took this for master Éclair!

Elaine: aww how nice.

Yuima: ÉCLAIR!

<She came out of nowhere.>

Éclair: yea?

Elaine: they're giving this to you.

Éclair: that's real sweet! Thanks!

<Éclair gave a huge smile, but it disappeared as soon as they left the castle. Sky then conjured something.>

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Sky: BRIAR ROSE! CLOUDY PUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<A huge cloud on which they all got on was made, and thanks to Sky, they were going really fast.>

Elaine: Sky?

Sky: huh?

Elaine: thanks for transporting us on your cloud.

Sky: no probs!

Ecryn: Éclair:

Éclair: huh?

Ecryn: are you ok?

Éclair: uh-uh

Yato, Yuima: are you sure?

<She raised her head and gave them one of the coldest looks on Tritanius, after that, they both shut up and left her alone.

Sky noticed that Éclair spaced out more than usual, especially while thinking.>

Sky: Éclair?

Éclair: Yes?

Sky: Are you alright?

Éclair: yup.

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