Inserting the Items Part 36

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Éclair: Shadow Frost?

Silicones Shadow Frost: Yes, but please, call me SSF.

Éclair: ok, SSF, have you ever been outside here?

SSF: Unfortunately, no, my magic is limited, so I would faint If I went out.............(whisper) in this form

Éclair: huh?

SSF: Oh nothing, so yeah, never ever!

Éclair: ok.

SSF: Might I be of help?

Sky: Not at all!

SSF: Oh really?

Sakon: actually, we're looking for a really nice big door, wall, who knows?

SSF: Wall or door?? Umm..................Oh yes! I know! Please, follow me!

<They all exchanged curious looks and went on ahead. SSF led them through each and every parts of the temple. First, they went through a wind turbine, then, a ton of tornados in a chamber called: "Tornados for all". They continued through hoodlums, in which the princesses just flew through. They then stopped at a huge wall. It had a lock on it, and the gang nodded to each other.>

Sky: well, you've been a big help!

SSF: No problem! If you need me, just scream SSF, and I'll be right here!

Sky: thanks!

Éclair: you may start, and while you're at it, hurry up, I'm feeling a really bad presence right now.

Sky: ummm ok?

<Sky moved ahead in front of the others, she looked closely at what she saw in front of her, she held her hands together, and started to conjure.>

Sky: DREAM FLOWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Sky: DREAM FLOWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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<Her emblem appeared, she took it, and put it in the lock, the second lock appeared; everyone looked in Mikestukkami's direction. He didn't even seem to care, and Lisa smiled at that. Sky shrugged, looked at the second lock, and conjured another item.>

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Sky: VIOLET TEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<As it appeared, Sky wasted no time, in putting it in its place, with a small smile on her lips. The third lock appeared, she stared at it thoroughly, bent her head, sighed and conjured another item.>

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Sky: FAIRY WING BROOCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Éclair: the Air Nomad's kingdom emblem huh?

<Sky nodded, walked upfront, and placed it. The fourth lock appeared, after staring at it, she shook her head and sighed. She walked back, and conjured another item.>

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Sky: WIZRARD'S FLOWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<She increased her pace, and placed it. After putting the pendant in, a 5th lock appeared, but it looked like a container, just like all the others did. Sky swirled around with grace, showing off a little, then made a potion appear.>

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Sky: AIR KINGDOM'S POTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<She slowly put it in and then a rumble was heard, mist was appearing, and after the mist disappeared, the chamber was open. They walked in, and found something that captured their eyes.>

Me: oooooh, what captured their eyes??? Was it TOKYO GHOUL SEASON 3?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?>

The book: ........................................Creep.

~Love Ashraven4, love y'all!!!

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