The man behind the SHIELD

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"May?" Daisy enterd the room. May was sitting on the floor shaking. She didnt know how she came there.

"Daisy?" Melinda asked. "What happend?" The last thing she knew was that she has been in Bahrein. But Bahrein was eight years ago.

"Radcliff kidnapped you. We are here to safe you" Daisy explained and helped May standing up. "We need to get to the quinjet"

They walked through the door and Coulson ran torwards them.

"May you're fine!" He shouted happy. "Watch out!" Daisy screamed after a man apeard behind Phil.

Phil stopped. His jacket turned red and he fell to the ground. More guards came into the room.

Shield Agents started to fight against the Watchdogs. Daisy helped them and everything was a mess.

Melinda just wanted to reach Coulson. She kicked a man in the stomach and finally saw Phil.

He layed on the floor, coverd in blood. "Phil?" She wisperd. "Phil!" He didnt move.

'Please let this be a simulation' May thought. "We need a doctor!" She screamed.

Phil was starring at May. "I.." he started but blood came out from his mouth.

He gasped an a tear rolled over his cheek. "No Phil!... You need to stay with me!" May cried. She hasnt cried since Andrew so she tried to hold the tears back.

Phil wisperd something May couldnt understand. "Hey no... you need to stay.." she smiled at him, still crying.

Phil breathed weak. Then his chest stopped moving. May pressed Phils hand. She wouldnt let him go.

Suddenly someone grapped her shoulder. "He's gone" Daisys voice sounded broken. May took Phils  robohand.

It was almost as cold as his real one.

"No no I can't! He cant do that to me!" May lost control if her emotions. She started shaking.

"Hey we need to get out here" Daisy explained slowly. It should be other way around. It was down to May to safe Daisy, to be the strong one.

"I don't want leave him." May wisperd. "I couldnt tell him what I saw there"

"We need to go now" Daisy tried to help Melinda up but May was too weak.
Her legs couldnt hold her and May fell back to the ground. 

Daisy hadnt seen her that sad yet. Radcliff must have done something bad to her.

Mack ran into the room. The moment he saw Agent Coulson on the floor his eyes turned wet.

May lied next to him, coverd in his blood and crying. "We need to go" Mack wisperd. He tried to be strong. But something in his stomach hurt like hell.

Mack and Daisy helped May up and tried to carry her to the hellicarrier.

All three were crying. A Agent carried Phils body. Even he seemed broken.

"What happend?" Jemma asked after she saw May and the rest. "Agent Coulson is down. The director is dead"

Nobody talked. Jemma started to cry and Fitz hugged her. Elena was standing there, showing no reaction.

Someone locked May into the carateen box and she sat there crying. Her face looked cold, emotionless but millions of tears were flowing over her face.

The quinjet took off. Nobody talked. May couldnt stop hating herself.

She trusted Aida. So she got kidnapped. And Phil died saving her.


1 week later.

Jemma kept starring at the monitor of her computer. They were looking after May for days now.

And she wasnt eating. Wasnt talking. Wasnt moving.

She sat on Phils bed. And starred into the air.

Daisy enterd the room and brought her water. And french toast.

May still sat there. She was drinking. Only things with alcohol. Jemma didnt know how drunk she was, but she was sure May wouldnt be abel to walk a straight line.

"You seem happy" May wisperd. She hadnt talked for one week now.

Daisy stopped. They should have told her. "You dont look line someone who lost is father"

Daisy turned back to May. "Youre drunk Agent May."

"People are telling the truth when they're drunk" May answers. She moved her head and looked at Daisy.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" She asked. "Somethings differenr. It looks like I'm the only one suffering"

Daisy took a deep breath. "We should have told you sooner. Phil isnt dead. You saw his Lmd die. Not him"


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