Phil is sad

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Phil stood there for hours.

He didnt know how long exactally.

He stared at the Lmd. It looked like May. It said it would feel like her.

He didnt want to burn the robot. It was the only thing he had left. There werent photos of them, they never took some.

If they wont find there will be only some files from their missons.

Maybe her handwriting.
But nothing from her.

He fought against all the memories. The dance, the kiss and all the 'dates'.

"Hey everything alright?" Daisy enterd the room.

"What do you think?" Phil asked angryly. "I'm fine. Really. My world is full of unicorns and rainbows.

"Phil its okay" Daisy said softly "We will find her"

"And if we wont?" Phil wanted to know.

"My whole life I was working for and with Shield, I was never abel to trust somebody like I can trust Melinda.

Now somebody made use of it the second time. And I lost her again.

I dont now when they replaced her. I felt so safe and happy for the first time until Ross.

What if they only told me she would feel the same as the real Melinda? What if her feelings were fake?"

He tried as best as possobel but a tear rolled over his cheek. "I screwed it"

"Hey its okay" Daisy pulled Phil into a hug "Jemma send me. They replaced May the day when I came back.

May went to Radcliff. You now after you two decided to open the bottle if Haig. Everything before there was real. And Maybots feelings were real also.

Fitz says that May was May. Until she touched the darkhold. Then the programming took over."

Daisy stopped for seconds and tried to find the right words.

"I know you love her. And her love was also real. Even before she was replaced. She told me something very wise.

She told me that I cant hide from you. Because if you Coulson. She said you have a bigger heart than the most.

And if May say that it has to mean something"

Just something bad I wrote after the last episode because I died😂😂

Agents of Shield // Philinda One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now