Chapter 18 The Pool

Start from the beginning

I looked around, trying to figure out the red dots on John's and Bella's chests. "Don't be silly someone else is holding the rifle. I don't like getting my hands dirty." They were dirty, as Bella would point out, just because he had someone else do his dirty work didn't make his hands clean. "I've given you a glimpse Sherlock, just a tinsy glimpse of what I've got going on out there in the big bad world. I'm a specialist, like you."

"Consulting criminal," I muttered just loud enough for him to hear. "Dear Jim, will you fix it for me to go to South America? Dear Jim will you fix it for me to get rid of my lover's nasty sister."

"Just so," he replied. "No one ever gets to me," he bragged.

"I did," I replied cocking the gun.

"You've come the closest, now you're in my way." His voice kept changing. He was having fun with this.

"Thank you," I replied.

"I didn't mean it as a compliment," he said smiling.

"Yeah you did," I said flatly. I could tell Bella's pain was getting worse by the way she was breathing. I needed to get her out of here.

"Yeah, okay I did," he admitted. "But the flirting's over Sherlock, daddy's had enough now." He started walking toward me, "I've shown you what I can do. I cut loose all those people, all those problems, even 30 million quid to get you to come out and play. So take this as a friendly warning my dear, back off." He paused for a moment before walking forward again, "Though I have loved this, this little game of ours; playing Jim from IT. Playing gay; did you like the little touch with the underwear?"

"People have died," I replied.

"That's what people DO!" he shouted the last word.

"I will stop you," I said calmly. Something I had learned from Bella was to never show them what lay beneath.

"No you won't," Jim said as though he knew for sure.

I decided to ignore this for now, "You all right?" I asked of John. He didn't say anything or even indicate with his head.

Moriarty approached him, "You can talk, Johnny boy. Go ahead." John nodded.

"Bella?" I asked turning slightly so I could see her. She too remained silent.

"Go ahead Isabella," Moriarty said. She shook her head.

"Take it," I said handing Moriarty the missile plans.

"Oh, the missile plans," he said kissing them. "Boring! I could've got them anywhere." He threw them into the pool and Bella somehow managed to catch them in her mouth; John ran up on Moriarty and put him in a hold.

"Sherlock run!" John said. "Get Bella out of here." There wasn't time to unchain Bella and for both of us to run without getting shot.

Moriarty started laughing, "Oh, good! Very good!"

"Your sniper fires and we both go up Mr. Moriarty," John said.

"He's sweet, I can see why you like having him around, then again people do get so sentimental about their pets. So touchingly loyal. Oops! You've rather shown your hand there Dr. Watson." By the look on John's face, I knew the laser was now on me. I shook my head at him and he let go of Moriarty and backed up.

Moriarty straightened out his suit, "Westwood," he said. "So what's Bella? Why do you keep her around? She another pet?"

"When my bones aren't broken and I'm not chained to a pool I'm a fucking guard dog," she muttered. I was sure she had broken the kneecaps of  Moriarty's men before they captured her; assholes.

"Do you know what happens if you don't leave me alone Sherlock?"

"Oh let me guess I get killed," I said bored with the idea.

"Kill you? No, no, no, don't be obvious, I'm going to kill you anyway. I don't want to rush it; I'm saving it up for something special. If you don't stop prying I'll burn you. I'll burn the heart out of you."

"I have been reliably informed I don't have one," I replied.

Moriarty looked over at Bella for a moment before looking back at me, "But we both know that's not quite true. Oh, well I'd better be off. It's nice to have had a proper chat."

"What if I was to shoot you now, right now?" I asked.

"Then you could cherish the look of surprise on my face," Moriarty replied faking surprise. "I'd be surprised, really Sherlock I would and just a little disappointed. And of course, you wouldn't be able to cherish it for very long. Chow, Sherlock Holmes." He turned to leave and I moved closer to John to get him out of the bomb.

"Catch you later," I said.

"No you won't," he replied and the door closed. I stripped John out of the bomb asking him if he was all right. Before I heard his full answer I was in the pool picking the lock at Bella's ankle. I lifted her up out of the pool as John pulled her out. I quickly removed her bomb as well.

"Are you all right?" I asked.

"No," Bella said before throwing up. John collapsed but said he was fine.

"I'm glad no one saw that. You ripping my clothes off in a darkened swimming pool; people might talk," John said as I kneeled next to Bella.

"People do little else, come on, we need to get Bella to the hospital," I said starting to pick her up.

"Sorry guys, I'm so changeable. It is a weakness with me, but to be fair to myself, it is my only weakness. You can't be allowed to continue, you just can't. I would try to convince you but everything I have to say has already crossed your mind."

I looked at Bella, "go for it," she muttered. I looked to John and he nodded.

"And probably my answer has crossed yours," I said turning to face him as I rose to my feet and pointed the gun at him. Slowly I lowered it to the bombs at his feet. We would all go if he was to take us out. I just kept eye contact with him as he stared at me. Our staring contest was interrupted by a song playing and I wasn't sure where it was coming from.

"Do you mind if I get that?" he asked.

"No please, you got the rest of your life," I said waving the gun at him.

"Yes, of course, it is what do you want?" he answered turning his back to us. Suddenly he turned back around, "SAY THAT AGAIN!" I looked back at John and Bella. "Say that again and know that if you're lying to me I will find you and skin you." He fell silent for a few moments. "Wait." He pulled the phone away from his ear and walked toward us. I tightened my grip on the gun, not sure of what he was going to do. "Sorry, wrong day to die."

"Oh, did you get a better offer?" I asked.

"You'll be hearing from me Sherlock," Moriarty said going back to his phone call and leaving. "If you have what you say you have I'll make you rich, if don't I'll make you into shoes." He snapped his fingers on his way out the door and the lasers from the sniper rifles disappeared.

"What happened there?" John asked.

"Someone changed his mind, the question is who," I replied. I turned to Bella who was still laying on the floor. "For now though let's get Bella to the hospital."

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