"Because I don't remember anything from high school, except that you bullied me. And now you're upset with me because I'm useless." Yoongi wiped the tears away again, "don't cry, it's not your fault it was mine ok. This is supposed to be our night. I have something to show you by they way, I hope my question answers it." Yoongi pulled my hand to sit on the floor as he fixed something.

I wiped the remaining the tears away and wiped my runny nose. The light from the projector casted on the wall. "What is this? I-I don't remember taking these photos." Yoongi came to sit next to me wrapping his arms around me. "Remember my question?" I watch the slide show.

"Now I'm curious, what happened in high school?" I turned my whole body facing him. "You mean what happened between us." Yoongi waved his finger back and forth between us, "Yeah, so tell me." I waited for him to explain. "Well, the reason why you don't remember anything about us was because you lost your memory, in an accident." I was shocked to hear about that, I mean I knew I was involved in an accident but I didn't know I lost all my memories.

"You only know me as a bully in school right?" I nodded my head, "Yeah and remember me telling you about how I bullied you, but actually I liked you so I stopped the bullying." I nod again, "Yeah, we had.... other consequences after that. A lot of girls went after you 'cause we were dating. So I, being your superman came to your rescue at every trouble you went through." I sat there amazed, and frozen trying to process the whole thing.

"So you're saying, we always had this... relationship in high shool?" Yoongi nodded, "And you helped me." Yoongi nodded again, he sat there when something popped inside his head. "That means... we were... girlfriend and boyfriend... all these years." Yoongi crossed his arms, making me confused and furrow my eyebrows. "What do you mean?" Yoongi unfolded his arms and explained, "That means we never broke up. I never broke it off after your accident, technically I was and still is your boyfriend. Not today though." Yoongi quietly mumbled the not the last sentence.

I didn't catch the last part but I still had that questioning look on my face. "Never mind, it doesn't make sense to you right now. That doesn't matter anymore, because you my sweet thing is the new start of my life." Yoongi grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug. I probably had a silly smile right now, him calling me his sweet thing and I'm the start to his new life. Wait, new life? "What you do you mean new life?" Yoongi looked down at me, "You ask too much questions." He kissed the tip of my nose, making me scrunch my nose.

"Dinner is about to start, let's go sit at the table." I nodded as Yoongi took my hand and pulled out the chair for me. "Thank you Mr. Min." I gave him a fluttering stare, "My pleasure, Mrs. Min." I sat down glaring at Yoongi as he took a seat in front of me. "Mrs? I'm not even your wife yet." I commented, "Ah huh, yet." I rolled my eyes at him. "Dinner is served." A man with broad shoulders stood tall with plates of food in both hands. He walked over setting the plates down, "Dr. Kim?" I looked back and forth at Yoongi and Dr. Kim.

"Hello, but please call me Jin, I'm not a doctor today. I am your servant and cook for today." He bowed, "Enjoy your dinner." He exit out leaving Yoongi and me alone. Aside with Gwihan. "Why, is Dr. Kim er Jin serving us and cooking our food?" Yoongi chuckled, "Stop asking questions and enjoy your dinner." I look down at my plate, steak.

I took the fork in my right hand, and a knife in my left. I sliced the steak and ate it, "hmm, this is really delicious. No wonder you chose Dr I mean Jin to cook for us." Yoongi just stared at me while I eat, "Aren't you going to eat? Why are you staring at me like that? Do I have something on my face?" I wiped my face as Yoongi laughed shaking his head. "I'm enjoying watching you eat." He rest his chin on his palms, "You should eat too, looking at me isn't going to make you full."

He nodded his head and sliced a piece of steak. We ate and chatted laughing here and there enjoying the moment. "This is the most romantic date we've ever had." I twirled the cup of wine, taking a sip. "Ya think so?" I hummed a reply. "Dessert for the lovely couple." Jin came back with Ice cream, with caramel and chocolate fudge drizzled on top, and a leaf of green mint at the side instead of a cherry.

In the middle of me enjoying the ice cream, Jin came back with a rose handing it to Yoongi. Jin winked at me and left, what was that about? "Uee?" I turn my attention to him, "Yes?" He got up walking over to me with the rose in his hand. "For you." I stare at him, taking the rose in my hand. He let go of the rose as a ring slid down the stem of the rose. I felt my eyes widen, "wha-what... Yoongi this-" Yoongi took my hand kneeling down, he took the ring off the stem and held the ring. 

Is this is what I think it is? "Uee, I don't know what to say, I'm not that romantic to say these cheesy vows." I chuckled wiping the tears away, "This dinner is meant for us alone but, our daughter came along. But she's a blessing to us. I am thankful that you're my girlfriend, no my soon to be wife and the mother of my daughter. You lost your memory because of me, and I'm sorry because you don't even remember me but a bully. But that's okay right? Because you came back and now we can start over. I can't  express how happy I was when I found out that you applied to work at my company. I lied to you when I said I was going on a business meeting with Namjoon. Actually I was planning this out, I hope you're not upset with me. But I love you Uee, I'm so happy to have you back in my life. Will you do the honor to be my wife and the honor to be the mother of our child? Will you marry me?" He asked looking straight into my eyes.

I didn't know how hard I was sobbing, I probably have snot running down my nose. I nodded, "Yes, a thousand yeses!" Yoongi's face lit up, he came up and cupped my face kissing my lips. He didn't care how wet my face was, he continued to kiss me sucking my bottom lip and bit it. "Ow!" I pulled away touching my lips to see blood. I slapped Yoongi's shoulder, "Are you a vampire? Why do you always bite my lip everytime we kiss." He laughed, "To mark you, to show them that instead of being mine. You belong to me only me because you're my wife." He came up and kissed me again. I placed my hand on his chest and push him, "Wait then what about the ring?" He smiled, "Thats to show our eternal love." He planted a kiss, but I pulled away shortly making him groan, I chuckled getting up from my seat. "Stay here."

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "Am I some dog?" I smirked, "maybe~" I sang walking over to my bag next to Hanie's carrier. I walked back to Yoongi and handed him the box, "For me?" I nodded, "be careful, she's fragile." Yoongi raised an eyebrow, "she?" He mumbled opening the box. His eyes widen so wide, I think that's the widest he ever opened his eyes. I laughed at his reaction. "Y-you got me a puppy?!" I nodded as I saw the little brown puppy sleep soundly, until she opened her eyes.

"She's so cute, she's like a fluff of brown!" Yoongi picked her up hugging her and stroking her, "You did want another addition to the family. And I thought why not a dog, Hanie isn't one yet so this is the best I could do. I hope you like her." I watched him play with our new addition family member, "I love it Uee! Thank you."

"What are you going to name her?" I asked, "Holly, Min Holly. This was going to be our next daughter's name. But this is fine for now." I chuckled, "I'm glad you love the present." The night was great. A day of laughter, sadness, and most of all happiness. I couldn't have asked more for a perfect boyfriend. Wait let me rephrase that perfect soon to be husband. I may not remember what happened between us in high school, but Yoongi is right. This is the new start of life.

-  -  -  -  -  -  -


My hearteu, my heart is oh my gah! It finally has ended! I'm so glad that all of you enjoyed this book as much as I wrote this.

I'm not sure of a second book, I can't promise you I will make a second book because my original plan for the second book, is their life in high school. Or if you want to know about them from high school. Idk.

But THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! For reading this book, and following along as I updated each chapter! It's finally the end and I'm so sad right now. But hey don't worry, I started a new book and I think I'm going to be focusing on this new book.

It's called Big Dreams, Yoongi is there y'all. I hope y'all will check it out the first chapter is out already! Thanks again! Love you loves! See you next time!

Mr. Jack Frost // Min Yoongi (Slow Editing)Where stories live. Discover now