Alex (45)

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I'll start it off like this: I'm sorry for the cliffhanger and I'm sorry for what's about to go down. (Please don't kill us) -C

"Is it wrong that I don't want to go home?" I murmur drowsily.

"Don't think so," John yawns. He almost runs into a wall before sitting down. "Classes and stuff. Ew."

I sprawl over the couch. "You know that we might not be this close to everyone again... Like ever. Once we get back to college, we'll have work separating us."

John frowns. "Oh. Well... at least we got to do this then."

"Yeah. We can get closer some day again. For summer vacation or something," I mutter.

"Yeah..." John nods. "Good point."

"And the Schuylers are practically climbing up the walls right now."

"They are?" He turns his head as if they were actually climbing the walls.

I snort and whack at him. "Not like that! Peggy makes phone calls and texts every five minutes. Angelica's been distant after checking her email. It's time to leave."

John gets it now. "Alright. You all packed up?"

"Heck yeah. Don't have much to pack."

"Neither do I," he shrugs with a laugh. "I can get our stuff to the car, you wanna say goodbye?"

"Laf and Herc are driving us so... Make them do it." I smile slightly at him before getting to my feet and stretching. "But yeah. Maria and Peggy and Aaron and Jenna. I wanna say goodbye to them. Maybe even James. And Ang."

"Not Thomas," John chuckles.

I snort. "Of course not. I'm not getting infected, even if he's 'better'."

"Okay." John runs off to find the two boys and say his farewells.

I slowly make my way over to the Schuyler sisters. "You ready to go home, you three?"

Eliza is tearing up already. "No!" She cries.

"I am!" Peggy shouts over her sister. "I have places to see, people to do... Uh. Think I messed up that expression. Anyway, I have things to do!"

Angelica looks warily at her two sisters. "Yeah..."

"Wow, that's such a difference in opinions here," I reply jokingly.

Angelica shrugs. "Anyways, see you around Alex. I gotta go put the order in for the new windows."

Eliza gasps and elbows both sisters out of the way so she can hug me. She pulls away after squeezing tight. "We didn't see you last night in the storm, a-and we were so worried," she says.

I awkwardly chuckle. "I was busy... So, uh, Ang. Are you ever going to tell me about the mystery email?"

But she's already out of the room, on the phone with some windows company.

"She's not even telling us. Anyway, time to go home. Let's go, Liza!" Peggy casually checks her phone, squeals slightly, and then she quickly pockets the phone.

Eliza sniffles and nods. "Okay. MARIA?!" She screeches and flies off to find her girlfriend.

"Insane. All day," Peggy murmurs to me.

"Women," I dramatically say.

She punches me. "Hey, look! Someone's looking for you! Uh... Hey! Come say hello, Jenna!"

Jenna slides over and gives me a one armed hug. "Back to school."

"The only kind of life we should have!" I declare proudly, already imagining my laptop.

Stories Undone, Scars Unseen // Hamilton College AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora