Peggy (16)

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The poor Schuyler doesn't really get her own chapter!!! Don't worry. She'll get her own later. And it will be awesome. -C

I'm really starting to think these classes are just for observing people. I mean, sure. Notes are fun. I have always taken really good notes. Probably because I end up cheating off of Angelica's. Now, I can't do that. Because someone decided to get out of the whole 'student' mold into a teacher thing.

But, I'll be honest here. Mr. Washington's class is awesome! Minus a few people...

"Sir, I'm pretty sure you meant to put a comma there!" Alex calls loudly. God. Why doesn't he come with a volume button? Maybe Eliza can find one...

"Shut your mouth!" Angelica points at him with her giant "wooden flingy stick". Her words, not mine.

See, Angelica is a really fiery person. And then Washington calms everyone down with a word of advice. Eventually, Thomas and Alex will try to fistfight again, but you know? We just pretend that we don't notice that... And that Alex would definitely lose despite what he thinks. Guess what, Alex? Size matters.

Alex pouts. "Ang... You're being mean to me. Again."

Mr. Washington looks up from his laptop. "You're talking out of turn. Again."

Eliza, Angelica, and John all simultaneously produce some form of GET DRAGGED HAMILTON.

"You know, sometimes, I feel like this whole class is against me," Alex whines.

Thomas nods. "It's because we are."

Alex gasps and topples out of his seat. I swear we don't get anything done in this class. I'm just flushing money down the toilet... But this is the best show I have ever seen. Who needs TV?

Mr. Washington pulls a bag of candy out from his drawer. "Pop quiz! Divide into your teams, the one with the most points gets this whole thing."

I innocently raise my hand. "Mr. Washington?"

He nods at me. "Yes Margie?"

"Can we make Alex not able to answer? It's his own form of cheating. Just opening his mouth," I continue in the same innocent tone.

Alex scoffs. "Peggy! You're supposed to be on my side!"

"As Thomas said, nobody is."

"No, he has to be able to answer. Otherwise he'll complain to me, then he'll write ten essays to the headmaster complaining about me, and the headmaster won't even read them, just call me in to complain to me about the ten essays in his email, and tell me to control my students."

Aaron whispers something in Alex's ear, and Alex smiles brightly. "I totally could write fifty-one essays about that! Thanks, Burr, sir!"

"The rhyme stopped being-"

"Thank you, sir!" Alex cuts him off again. "How many per team, Mr. Washington?"

"Teams of four. Angelica, you can join your sisters."

Everyone complains, but it ends up pretty fair. The Manumission Abolitionists- Alex, John, Herc, and Laf. The Salt Squad- Eliza, Maria, Angelica and I. The Southern... Power- Thomas, James, Jenna, and Aaron.

"First question! Teams, discuss your answers. In the sentence..."

He continues on, even though we all know who's figured out what's wrong with it. Alex practically climbed on top of John to raise his hand. This kid... Was he raised by wolves? Still, I have to hide my snickers behind my hand.

I nudge Angelica. "Aw, look at the two lovebirds."

"He's literally using Laurens as a jungle gym."

James whispers something to Thomas, to which he smirks and nudges him. Then, he nonchalantly nudges Aaron to inform him. Aaron finishes the weird secret chain by telling Jenna what's going on.

I try to catch one of their eyes. Aaron finally meets mine and innocently shrugs. Ugh. Stupid no-opinion-guy. I should have looked at James. I bet he would have told me this secret plan through pure eye contact!

The timer finally runs out, and I think Alex is trying to make John's head pop off because he keeps climbing upwards.

"Mr. Washington! I know! I know! Call on me! See? My hand is up! I'm not speaking out of turn! Call on me!" Alex calls from his position on John.

John makes eye contact with me like he's on the office, his face still practically in his stomach.

"Er, Maria." Mr. Washington tries to hide his evil grin.

Alex gasps. "When I don't raise my hand, you call on me, and when I do... You don't! You're encouraging bad behavior, sir! You're going to get an essay about this! You're going to get eleven! Yes, I went there!"

"I can kick you out of this class, young man."

"I'll pass, sir!" Maria leans in and whispers to us. "Twenty bucks we can probably steal the candy from Alex if he wins."

"Good point," Eliza murmurs back. I nod in agreement. I have some sly fingers. I have stolen so much from Angelica and Eliza... I mean, what?

"Fine. Yes, Alexander?"

Alex grins. "Well, the answer is-"

"It's impressive you can speak with John's tongue crammed down your throat," Thomas calls out.

John looks over at Thomas, confused. "What?"

"Just because I can get my roommate to kiss me doesn't mean you should announce that information all over the class! It's not my fault you're ignoring the sexual tension between you and James!" protests Alex. "Anyway, as I was saying-"

From the looks on everyone's faces, you'd think Mr. Washington had started dancing to Toxic.

"W-what?!" John looks around at us, horrified. "I didn't kiss you...?"

Silence settles over the class as I make eye contact with Alex, who looks absolutely heartbroken.

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