Jenna (35)

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John is too needy. -L

I wake up with a knot in my neck, and my head on Aaron's shoulder. "W- Are we here?" I ask groggily.

"Yep," he says slowly, clearly tired from driving.

"You shouldn't have let me fall asleep!" I laugh, opening my door and flipping my hair.

Aaron laughs slightly, stumbling out of the car. "You just looked so peaceful. Anyway, it's not your fault we had a late night last night." He winks at me.

I groan but kiss his cheek. "I suppose you're right. But still. Anyway, let's get our stuff out, shall we?"

"Yep. Who else is here anywhere?" He casts his gaze away, looking at the various cars.

"No clue," I drawl. I open the back of his car and pull my suitcase out.

Aaron quickly follows and yanks his smaller one out. "I hope we can share a room."

"Yeah me too. Won't be too much of a change from our dorms," I grin playfully.

Someone leaps out of another car and bounds towards us. It takes a few seconds to realize it's Peggy. "Haha, beat you!"

"Yeah you did," I chuckle, bopping her on her carefully engineered bun.

She smirks. "Should I drag you two to show you your rooms in the cabin? Separate rooms, might I add."

My mouth fall open. "What?"

"No lovey dovey crap this time!" pouts Peggy.

I sigh, flinging myself into Aaron's arms for a dramatic embrace. "Farewell, my star."

"Goodbye, my brightest star." Aaron pecks me on the cheek, beaming.

I pull myself from him, and follow Peggy. "Who am I staying with?"

"Ang and Maria!" she singsongs. "And Aaron is sharing with Lafayette, I think. Ang! Who is Aaron sharing with again?"

"No, you got it!" She calls from afar.

Aaron groans slightly. "Great. I get to hear that I'm the worst every day of this vacation."

"It's only because it rhymes!" We hear the undeniable French accent approach.

Alex bounds up behind Lafayette. "Like how it rhymes with sir!"

John lets out a loud groan and appears on piggy back from Hercules, looking like he's about to pass out.

"Did you have to drive the whole way too?" Aaron sympathetically asks the curly-haired boy.

He nods slowly. "Stupid pills. Can't take them while driving."

"But look at your favorite boyfriend who conveniently already had a soda and the pills ready for you!" Alex chirps, whirling around and presenting said objects.

John grins fondly at Alexander as he accepts the items. "You're my only boyfriend."

"Which is why this is biased." He winks at him happily.

Eliza gets out of Maria's car and faceplants into the snow. We hear a muffled "I love this cabin!" but it sounds more like "eh lo deh mrfr!"

"This is why I wanted to split the driving," Maria mentions.

She pulls her face up. "But no... By the way, am I staying with Maria?"

"Nope! You're staying with your favorite younger sister!" Peggy poses dramatically.

Eliza pauses. "Okay... Who is Maria staying with?"

"Ang and Jenna," Aaron calls out.

"Alrighty!" She shouts before falling over again.

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