Aaron (12)

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He is STILL my favorite character! And, as mentioned before, Jenna is Theodosia the first. -C

    I haven't even been in his class long enough for the teacher to hate me. Yet, apparently, Mr. Washington really has a thing against me. Not only does he make a seating chart and I'm sitting at a table with the biggest hotheads of the class, but he keeps acting as if my opinion is something disgusting. A lowly thing that he needs to scrape off the bottom of his shoe.

    I told that to Jenna, who laughed. She doesn't seem to view the situation the same way as me.

    Now, I sit at the table and trying not to die as the people of the table argue. Again. Whoopee. I'm glad I graduated early for this. The only encouraging thing is that Lafayette seems as miserable as me here. Then again, that's not exactly a nice thought.

    I don't even know what Washington is talking about. I'm too busy trying to tune out Thomas' and Alex's fifth argument. In fifteen minutes.

    Eventually, the bell rings and I practically flee to Jenna. "Hey, Jenna."

    I hate this. I hate how I have to say 'hey, jenna' instead of something sweet or romantic. How I have to be careful that her boyfriend won't figure out what happened. I don't even know why I have to be a secret boyfriend. Why won't she just break up with the other guy? However, I guess I'm going to play the waiting game. It's the only game I have ever been able to win.

    "Hey Aaron! How are you?" She asks sweetly.

    I smile at her, trying not to appear unnerved. How easily we swing from being romantic and kissing in the dorms to formal and friendly in the classes. "Good. You?"

    "Well thanks." She comes over to me, her doe eyes and long eyelashes fluttering. "Anything new?"

    "Nope." Sometimes, I think I take my advice too seriously. Talk less, smile more. I glance around, hoping that somehow the people would disappear. They won't though. Especially John, Eliza, Alex, and Angelica, who all are staring at us. What a nice surprise.

    As if sensing his cue, Alex strolls over and flings his arm around me. "So... Is this your girlfriend, Burr?"

    I give Jenna a long look, giving her the option to answer the question.

    "Oh, totally. Except for the fact that I have a boyfriend who isn't him."

    Alex gives us a confused look. "But the two of you seem awfully... Friendly."

    "Ah. You shouldn't make assumptions, Hamilton," I cooly reply. He gives me a heated stare. I bet he would just go for a girl, whether she was in a relationship or not. I guess that's a core difference between us. That, and Mr. Washington adores Alex and everything the small man stands for.

    John swaggers up to join in the conversation. "Oh, what's heating up here?"

    "Our friend Aaron here clearly likes Jenna, but Jenna is taken, my dear Laurens," Alex replies easily. I roll my eyes at him, and he sticks out his tongue.

    John nods, understanding. "Hm. Problematic. And what about you Alex? Anonymous friend of mine wants to know if you're taken." John asks him.

    I smile serenely at John. "Is the anonymous friend you or Eliza?"

    John stares at me. "I can't tell you. It's anonymous."

    Alex pretends to gasp. "The great Aaron Burr doesn't know what a word means?"

    "I believe, if anyone needs to learn what a word means, is John. After all, he's clearly unsure of what anonymous means if he would ask for himself."

Stories Undone, Scars Unseen // Hamilton College AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora