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Hey guys so I changed the cover, hopefully it looks good, if ya want you can send in one and maybe ill change it :P. I couldn't adjust sadly, I tried. xD



1. Someone like you by Adele

2. The heart wants what it wants Selena Gomez

Aria Nova

I rushed into the bathroom and started to weep tears. I just made an exit to the bathroom as soon as we enter the restroom. I turned on the sink and looked at myself. My face had tons of little scars and blemishes. There was this one specific scar on my temple across my right eye. That stupid beast that attacked me the day of his passing.

The damn mantis had slashed one of my eyes.

It gave a quick slash by my face. I closed my eyes too late. It clawed my temple all the way to my right eye's cornea.

I grabbed a tissue out of the middle compartment and wiped my face from the tears running down. I looked back at the scar and saw that it had a lightish pink tint.

"AH!" I yelled. I quickly grabbed my sleeve and used it to clear my vision. I could barely see but that was until I thought of something.

I slammed my hands on the table and knocked over a trash can. I lifted my hands to my head.

"God damn Aria, stop being so dramatic..." I whispered to myself.

I heard a door opened and I ran to the sink t start washing my hands.

"Aria..." Padme says.

"I'm sorry lets just go I'm fine." I said.

"You're not fine, come here." She said to me.

She engulfed me in her arms and she silently whispered 'it's okay'. We stayed for what seemed like hours but was only a couple minutes. We let go and she wiped away my tears.

"I miss him too Aria, don't worry. I sometimes feel as if he's right beside me or us and that we can go to dinner or go have secret hangouts." She says laughing at the last thought.

I walked with Padme to Anakin and he looked so cute. His little curls at the end of his hair and his tunic nicely fitted onto his soft skin. We both sat down and the waiter came by with menus and wines for everyone.

The waiter had a nice deep beauty blonde hair and streaks of blonde in it. Dark maroon eyes followed our movements.

"Red or white?" He asked all three of us.

"White." Padme and Anakin said.

"Red." I said with a smile.

They both look at me.

"What?" I exclaim.

"He's totally flirting with you." Padme says before Anakin can say anything.

Anakin clears his throat. "I was going to say I never knew you liked red?"

I blushed a bright red and exclaimed, "My parents would always let me have sips, red always treated me nice."

After we finished our meal, we were floated and stuffed. I never felt this good since a while.

"Here's the recipe." The waiter said dropping it on my side with a wink. I smiled and looked up at him.

Anakin cleared his throat and looked at me. I wasn't looking and he kicked me in the shin. I looked at him and gave him a look.

Chill babe, it's cute when your jealous.

Yeah well this isn't helping me. He said.

I giggled a bit and the waiter left. I opened the folder and saw the took of 10% and left me his number.

"You got his number!!!" Padme shrieked. That made Anakin pissed.

"Here Padme, you can keep it." I give it to her with a wink.

We got up and started to walk out, that was until the waiter called me.

"Hey." He says.

"Hi." I say back.

"Did you see what I left you?"

"Yeah, but sorry to hurt you but I'm in a loving relationship." I reply. He looks down and is about to speak but a lightbulb pops up.

"But that other girl.." I pointed to Padme. "Seemed interested and you should be too." I say fleeing the dinner with Padme and Anakin.

The Jedi's Little Sister // Anakin SkywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now