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1. The buzz by Hermitude

2. TRNDSTTR by Black Coast

3. Outro by Stephen

Obi-Wan Kenobi

I don't understand our tracker says that he is here but he is nowhere to be seen. We rummaged through piles of metals scraps hoping to see anything but we didn't.

"Aria, Anakin, I thinker's time we head back." I say informing them through my comlink.

"Master Aria and I may have found something, here are our coordinates. I'll send them your way." Anakin comes in. He sounded slightly muffled and he was echoing too.

I stood against our speeders and waited till I received them.

Aria Nova

Anakin and I walked around and holy shit this desert was big and by big I mean big times a million. We forced lift pieces and scrummaged through then hoping to find clues, but still nothing.

I kept walking around about to give up but that's when I looked toward Ani.

"Any luck?" I ask him.

"Nah, just piles of garbage. I'll call in Obi-Wan." He replies.

In the corner of my eye I see something sparkling down near Anakin's left shoe.

"Give me minute." I say pushing him away.

"You could've said excuse me." He says with a rude tone.

"Ani you know I was just playing around, right?" I say as I kneel down.

"I do but sometimes Aria I don't, your very hard to read." He says focused on his Comlink.

I roll my eyes, god not now Ani.

"Fine I'll just shut up." He says leaving me.

"Anakin wait I'm sorry." I saw getting up.

"I'm sorry too I'm just a little stressed right now babe."

"Babe? I like the way you say it." I whisper with a smirk. I walk towards him but that all stops because I was now falling to my doom.

Anakin Skywalker

"Fine ill just shut up." I say towards Aria. I'm just so stressed with all this Dooku stuff. It never gives us time to actually practice or relax. I start to walk towards a pile of garbage and find a rock to lean against.

"Anakin wait I'm sorry." Aria says standing up from her place.

I walk up from my place and start to walk towards her putting my arm down, "I'm sorry too I'm just a little stressed right now babe."

"Babe?" She questions me. "I like the way you say it." She says walking towards me with a smirk. I smile and look down chuckling. I look back up when I hear a hollow scream.

"ARIA!" I scream. I look around and she is nowhere to be scene.

"Fuck me. Aria! Where are you!" I yell once more.

"Anakin!!!" I hear her cry of help and walk towards it to where I see a hole in the ground and a ladder going down it's sides.

I quickly get on the ladder and start to slide down it.

"Aria grab onto the ladder!" I scream.

"Okay!" I hear her voice and a long pause after until I hear a loud bang after.


I hear no response.

I look up from the hole and back down and soon see a clear, small spect fall.

I touch my face and realizing I've been crying.

"Aria!!!!" I say yelling with all my power but it slowly dies out from my voice dying. Is start to cry harder and they don't stop. I held onto the ladder and watched as my tears dripped from each leg of the ladder all the way down. I look back down, "Aria! Please!" I say one last time while a tear falls. I heard nothing. Absolute nothing. I start to sit on the ladder with my back to one side and my feet hanging down. I can't believe I lost her, after everything that I've finally had the courage to talk to her, hell ask her out. After everything she's been through I've always been there, she needs me, I need her.

The Jedi's Little Sister // Anakin SkywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now