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1. Reforget by Lauv

2. Cold Water by Major Lazer

3. You just can't be replaced by Gnash

Aria Nova

My sheets were stained with sweat. Pure sweat. I mean what would you expect? Lights off, blinds closed, and two bodies against each other. Anakin was laying on my bed while he positioned me on his hips, I couldn't lie it was uncomfortable especially with the prosthesis but if it means to be with him, anything.

I leaned down and he came up to me. Hot breaths and moans were shared in the atmosphere. I giggled for a quick moment as his haired covered his face.

"Baby..." I said laughing now. I couldn't see his face, it was just covered in his thick brown hair. He tried to blow at it but nothing work. I moved his hair so that I could see his smiling cheeks and he looked up at me. I smiled with a toothy grin.

"Your adorable y'know?" He Said as he scooted over so we could lay side by side. I rested my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close, but it quickly ended because he opened the blinds and the door, along with the lights. I sighed. Honestly this sucks I've been in therapy for awhile now and I still can't leave this damn hospital. Anakin says that he went to go buy me some new wardrobe because of my leg but the designers just fixed it so it fits my prosthesis.

"Well Aria, it's time again." A voice came in outta nowhere with a sad tone.

That was my therapist worker, he's been trying to help me walk around but he hasn't been able to make me budge. I feel bad I'm really bitchy towards him but I need time. This isn't going to be an easy fix.

I sighed and Anakin walked towards the therapist.

"Aria, we need you to start working because if not, you won't get used to it and it'll be painful." The therapist said.

Anakin walked out so he could speak with me and led my to the physical therapy room. I sat down on the wheel chair and stood up with a help of a bar. I stood there looking myself in the mirror, imaging if my leg was there. I took one step forward and took a breath. It was quite easy until I put all the weight on my leg that was gone. I launched forward and landed on my side hip.

"Argh!" I yelled. I got up and grabbed one of the balls and equipment and threw it.

"Aria." He looked at me in pity and helped me to my chair. "Let me walk with you." He grabbed my hand and we walked slowly. "Now make sure all the pressure is on your dominant leg, the leg that's there and slightly apply pressure to the other." I did as he said and I started to walk easier but somethings not right. I slowly started to smile and cry. He took my arm and walked with me side by side.

"I'm doing it!"

"Yes, you are."

I started to walk a little faster and made it out the door into the hallways of the medical center. I started to walk a little faster and I could see Anakin.

"Anakin!!" I yelled. He turned around and saw me walking, by myself. He smiled and I ran into his arms but fell into them so to speak.

"Any problems with the leg?" The therapist asked.

"Well," I said looking at it. I pulled of my leggings to show him something.

"It hurts here, and here, and it pinches my thighs right here." I said looking at him.

"Well we can fix that."

The Jedi's Little Sister // Anakin SkywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now