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> Be Gamzee

Gamzee ==> Enter Dream

I was in what seemed like an all grey room. Nothing seemed to happen, until there was a loud crash above me. Something fell through the ceiling and landed on the ground.

It was . . . Tavros?!

I ran over as close as my body would let me. It was super scary to see him like that and felt myself cry. He had some . . . metal legs, and his left one was snapped at the knee, brown blood coming out of it. His lance was stabbed in his chest right where the Tauros sign on his shirt was. His shirt was drenched in his blood as well. Brown was escaping his lips and nose and he started coughing, gasping for air as he tried to live.

He seemed to spot me as I stood off to the side on his right. Music seemed to play around us. It confused me, but my eyes couldn't leave his poor form, as if I looked away, he would disappear forever.

Then he seemed to, sing? I couldn't tell since I'd never heard his singing voice before. He might've been lip singing, but that wasn't the important part. It was the words that really hit me.

"Wait a second let me catch my breath
Remind me how it feels to hear your voice
Your lips are moving I can't hear a thing
Living life as if we had a choice,"

-I had knelt down by now and felt my own lip quivering at his dying form, purple tears sliding down my painted face-

"Anywhere, anytime, I would do, anything for you
Anything for you
Yesturday, got away, melodies, stuck inside your head
A song in every breath,"

-Tavros's eyes seemed to whiten over, life draining fast from from him as he sung helplessly-

"Sing me to sleep now
Sing me to sleep
Won't you sing me to sleep now
Sing me to sleep."
(all song lyrics from "Sing Me to Sleep" by Alan Walker)

His head lay against the floor, pure white eyes looking into my soul, telling me that I couldn't do anything to help as his fudge blood stopped exiting his body and just, stopped.

I cried even more.

Gamzee ==> Wake Up

My eyes shot open, feeling my tears leave streaks on my still painted face. I looked down at my chest and saw Tavros, still asleep. I sighed, but cried a little more as I held him as close as I possibly could.

Knowing I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, I decided to get up, but had to think as to how I wouldn't wake up Tavros. I slowly leaned up, Tavros making an unconscious upward dog position. When I had sat all the way up, I carefully turned Tavros until I successfully held him bridal style. I stood with him in my arms, then turned around and placed him on his back back on the couch. His head turned a little in his sleep, but he was still asleep. I smiled as his cute sleeping form then headed for the bathroom to see if I could fix my makeup.

>Be Tavros

I slowly woke up, not feeling a body under me and missing the feeling as I realized I was on my back now. I groaned and tried to sit up, but couldn't move my head. I tried again and again, but started to yell in pain.

"OW!" I yelled as I tried to sit up on last time.

Gamzee came running into the living room, standing near the other end of the couch and giving me a worried look. "What's up motherfucker?" he asked, still obviously worried.

I whimpered and grabbed my right horn. "I-I think its s-stuck," I informed him.

Gamzee's expression lightened. "Say no more," he replied.

He got down on his knees next to my head. He carefully wrapped his hands around my horn and tried to move it down, but I hissed in pain.

"How did this even motherfucking happen?" Gamzee asked as he tried again to release my horn from its trap.

I groaned in pain. "I-I don't know," I stuttered. "I-I was just sleeping and woke up and i-it hurt to move."

"Have you ever had this problem before?"

"N-No. I-I, uh, u-usually sleep in my human bed that I have."

"Well that makes some motherfucking sense."

After some more struggling, my horn was finally released out from under the couch. I sat up, my back against the couch back and a hand on my horn, trying to rub the part that still hurt.

"Need some motherfucking help?" Gamzee asked as he stood on his feet. I shrugged.

Gamzee sat on my right and we shifted around till my head was laying against his legs close to his knees. He sat against the arm of the couch, rubbing my horn slowly near the tip. When he found the right spot, I purred.

Gamzee chuckled, then I felt a pair of lips against my horn, right where he was rubbing.

"G-Gamzee!~" I sort of moaned out.

He seemed to lean a little closer to my right ear. "Something up Tavbro?" he asked. "Did you not like it?"

I shivered as he whispered close to my ear. "N-No," I responded, "i-it just . . . uh, s-shocked me, t-that's all."

Gamzee hummed as it seems he may have nodded. "Welp," he started, "I guess I'll let you know this time."

He got even closer and lightly nibbled the shell of my ear. "I'm gonna kiss your horn,~" he whispered to me, going towards the base of my horn and kissing that while rubbing the tip where the pain stopped. I softly moaned and purred at the same time as my cheeks heated up.

He stopped a little after that and I continued to lay against him, a blushing mess. My protable husktop soon went off in my pants pocket and I took it out, gasping and struggling to sit up.

"What's up Tavbro?" Gamzee asked.

"Uh, m-my doctor's appointment! I-I forgot about it, a-and we need to go now!" I finally sat up then turned to my left to look at him. "Y-You don't mind coming with me, d-do you Gamz?"

"I'd be glad to up and motherfuckin' join my matesprite." He leaned closer to me and quickly pecked my lips, and I pecked back.

Gamzee stood up and went to grab my wheeled chair. He rolled it to the couch, then picked me up bridal style and placed me in the chair.

"Ready to go?" Gamzee asked.

I nodded. "Y-Yeah. Let's go."

Little Bitty Miracles {Gamzee x Tavros}Where stories live. Discover now