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Gamzee and I continued down the hallway together.

"So," Gamzee started, "what motherfucking class you going to now?"

I had to think. Vriska confronted me after first period, so it had to at least be second period.

"I-It should be time for me to h-head to gym," I told him, still in a little thought.

"Oh yeah, we have gym together. I motherfuckin' forgot. I'm usually hiding up in the mothfucking bleachers or whatever."

I chuckled. "T-That's you?"

Gamzee shrugged. "Where else am I supposed to motherfucking hide?"

We both started laughing and finally arrived at the gym. I ran to the locker rooms to start changing and Gamzee followed.

I unlocked my locker and took off my shirt. Gamzee walked over and sat in the shower area. I laughed.

"N-New hiding spot?" I asked as I continued to change.

There was a quick silence, probably from Gamzee nodding. "Why not try some new motherfuckin' spots?"

I finished changing and shut my locker, walking over to a mirror to remove the wrap and gauze. "I-I've heard the teachers are gonna start checking the locker rooms."

"Oh well, I'll just wait till they motherfucking show up. Maybe they'll motherfucking kick me out of gym."

I laughed, throwing away the used wrap. "O-Or you'll get a detention. I'm gonna go."

"See ya later, little man."

I smiled and opened the locker room door, right as teams were being picked for dodge ball. I sighed and ran over to the rest of the students.

It looked like the team captains were Karkat and Vriska. I already grew nervous, knowing I was probably gonna be on Karkat's team.

The captains finished picking teams and as I thought, I was on Karkat's team. We all lined up, but right before we started, Vriska was pulled over to the side by one of the teachers. I had no clue what they were saying, but when Vriska came back to her side of the gym, she was glaring at me, super pissed. She leaned over to Equius, who was on her team, and told him something, pointing directly at me.

Terezi walked over and stopped next to me, ready to run for the balls in the middle of the gym.

"Vriska looks pissed at you," she told me. "What happened?"

I sighed. "L-Like I know, but I-I probably deserve it.

"Also," I began quickly, "what happened to Aradia? I haven't seen her all day."

"Hmm . . . I think she said she was moving? Something like that."

I groaned. "N-Now I really am the lowest blood in school."

The whistle blew and people from both teams ran for the center. Most got out, but Vriska, Terezi and Equius still stood with a ball in hand. Terezi had grabbed two and threw one at me. I nodded towards her as a way of thanking her.

After a few minutes of balls being thrown, the only people on the gym floor were me, Vriska and Equius. I was near the back wall as Vriska and Equius were near the middle court line, Vriska giving me the most evil look she could muster.

I stood still, holding the ball I still had close to my chest.

I heard Karkat sigh loudly. "THROW THE BALL TAVROS!" he shouted.

I panicked and threw the ball, it flying over Equius's head. I sighed and waited for them to throw their balls. Equius threw his first and it hit me in my right eye. He held back on his strength a lot, but it still hurt a lot, and I knew that a black eye would be forming soon.

The whistle blew, but Vriska threw her ball low, hitting my knees hard and making me fall to the ground. I landed on my stomach, knocking the wind out of me.

The coach said we could all go change and I heard footsteps run over to me. I looked up and saw a worried Terezi.

"You alright there?" she asked.

I sighed, finally able to breathe again. "I-I'm good. Been through worse."

Terezi helped me up and I thanked her. We both headed off to our respected locker rooms, and when I entered the boys locker room, everyone went quiet.

I walked over to my locker and started to open it, but Equius shut it quickly.

"Why is it that you got Vriska temporarily suspended?" he asked me, moving to where my back was against the lockers and he was in front of me.

I was a little shocked at this new. "V-Vriska's suspended?" I asked quietly.


"I-I didn't know. And anyways, w-what makes you think I-I was the c-cause of it?"

"She said it was your fault."

I started to shake more and sighed. "W-What did she ask you t-to d-do to me?" I asked looking down.

"Just to leave you a quick message."

I closed my eyes as I saw Equius ready his fist for a punch. I squeaked and covered my face with my arms, but I never felt any bone shattering punches, or any contact at all. I opened my eyes and moved my arms to see Gamzee in front of me, blocking Equius's punch.

"You better motherfuckin' go away and leave him be," Gamzee began in a very serious tone. "Why do you even care about what Vriska has to motherfucking say about anything? You haven't before."

I could see Equius starting to sweat. He didn't respond to Gamzee, only removed his hand from Gamzee's grasp and walked out of the locker room, having finished changing before he confronted me. Everyone else started to file out after him.

Gamzee turned to me and gave me another lazy smile. I smiled back and jumped on him, giving him a bear hug.

"T-Thanks again Gamzee!" I said, unable to stop smiling.

Gamzee seemed nervous and just lightly patted my back. "You're motherfucking welcome little man."

I let him go, landing on my feet since I was lifted off the ground by a few inches. I opened my locker and started changing quickly, then grabbed my notebook I had left in there the other day and ripped out a piece of a page. I wrote down something and gave it to him.

"H-Here's my Trollhandle," I let him take the paper and smiled bigger. "See ya later!"

I quickly shut my locker and ran out of the locker room, hoping I wouldn't be late for my next class.


>Be Gamzee

I looked at the paper Tavros gave me and smiled lazily, shoving it in my pocket.

"Better get to my motherfucking class," I told myself. "The faster these motherfuckin' classes are over, the faster I can motherfuckin' bolt for my hive."

Little Bitty Miracles {Gamzee x Tavros}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora