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>Be Tavros

I woke up from another nap. I sat up and felt the now warm rag fall in my lap. I stood up, feeling a million times better, and set the rag on my desk. I looked over and saw Gamzee eating some sort of pie. He was kinda just scooping it up with his fingers and eating it.

"Whatcha got Gamz?" I asked, stretching.

He turned in my desk chair and looked at me, giving me probably the laziest smile I've ever seem. "Got this motherfucking amazing pie. Its a motherfucking miracle for my protein shoot. Wanna motherfuckin' try some Tavbro?"

I could smell some kind of fume. It made me a little dizzy and I scrunched up my nose a little. "W-What's in it?" I asked.

"Only the best motherfucking shit."

"Uh . . . n-no thanks, I-I'll pass."

Gamzee shrugged. "You're motherfucking missing out, but whatever."

He finished his pie and set the empty tin on my desk. The fumes were starting to fade, and I felt less dizzy. He walked over and sat down on my bed. He was looking down at the floor, seeming lost in thought. I sat next to him.

"I-Is something on your think pan, Gamz?" I asked, giving him a slightly worried look that he probably didn't see.

Gamzee sighed. "Why is Vriska motherfucking bullying you? What sort of shit did you do? I honestly have no motherfucking clue as to why she would hate you."

I looked away from him at to the wall in front of me. "She . . . s-she just hates me. S-She's a higher blood than me - s-she has every reason to hate me."

Gamzee took a deep breath. "There's more behind this motherfucking hate realationship shit. Please tell me."

I sighed and continued to look ahead, feeling Gamzee's eyes on me. "V-Vriska and I . . . w-we're ex-matesprites." I knew Gamze was shocked by that, even if he said nothing. "W-We had been together for a while, till she started making me feel bad. I-I tried to make the matespriteship last, but s-she just made things w-worse," -I felt myself tearing up from the memories- "s-so I ended it. Ever since, s-she's been bullying me. I-I've asked why she does it and she . . . s-she said it was cause s-she doesn't want anyone to remember us being matesprites. S-She thinks that if others see her hurting me, t-then they'll all forget that we were ever in the r-red quadrant."

I stopped and took a deep breath again, wiping my eyes and getting a little mad. "I-I've hated the higher bloods after that. I might be the second to last on the hemospectrum, but t-they've done nothing to Aradia or Sullox like they've done to me! I-It just! I-It just. . . ." I couldn't find any words to express my rage towards most highbloods (except maybe Terezi and Kanaya and wherever Gamzee is at on the hemospectrum).

I felt myself start to cry. I tried to wipe my brown tears away before Gamzee could see, but it failed.

He wrapped his left arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side. "That's all sort of fucked up. If she didn't wanna motherfucking be seen with you, why did you two become matesprites in the first motherfucking place?"

I looked away from him. "S-She asked me." Gamzee was still. "I-I . . . w-was actually f-flushed for her, so I said yes when she told me she also had f-flushed feelings for me and w-wanted to go into the red quadrant with me. Everything was f-fine at first . . . t-then it all went t-to shit."

I quickly wrapped my arms around Gamzee's torso, just wanting to be comforted as the memories swarmed my think pan. I cried into his chest and Gamzee just rubbed my back, holding me closer.

I started to hear Gamzee hum. I didn't know the song he was humming, but it was really soothing with his deep, gravely voice.

"W-What are you humming?" I asked when I had slowed down on my crying.

"A sweet motherfuckin' jam I heard from one of those humans. Since, ya know, we're kinda on Earth now?"

I blushed a little, remembering how I had moved my hive here on my own. It was hard work, but Tinkerbull helped me a lot. "I-I forgot," I told him, "s-since we still speak and act as if w-we're still on Alternia."

(quick up-to-date, all of the humans and trolls [minus the troll ancestors] are going to the same school. trolls live on earth now. trolls still speak with alternian words like quadrants and think pans and stuff like that)

"Yeah, I kinda miss it," Gamzee said, "and I kinda don't. These sweet motherfucking jams I've heard though . . . they may as well be a motherfucking miracle."

I giggled and Gamzee rubbed my head. It was nice, and I heard him mumble something along the lines of 'little motherfucking miracle'. It made me smile.

"Y-You know what?" I started, letting him go and sitting up to look him in his indigo shaded eyes. "W-We act like we're moirials, e-even though we've known each other properly for two, almost three, days." I laughed a little thinking about it.

Gamzee didn't laugh; he seemed to think, but wasn't to deep in thought. He slumped his arm over my shoulders again and gave me a lazy smile. "Then why don't we just motherfucking become what we motherfucking act like?"

I gave him a confused look. "H-Huh?" I asked.

He sighed with his smile still present and shook his head. "Let's. Be. Moirials," he said slowly.

I blushed, now understanding. "Y-You really wanna be my m-moirial?" I asked.

Gamzee pulled me closer to him. "You better motherfucking bet."

I smiled and hugged Gamzee again, giggling like a little school girl. I got up and started jumping around, being happy and all that.

Gamzee chuckled, shaking his head with a smile. "You seem quite motherfuckin' happy."

I stopped dancing rubbed the back of my neck, blushing. "I-I've never really had a m-moirial. I-I have a few friends - very few - b-but they aren't my moirials."

"Welp!" Gamzee stood up and poked my side, "Glad to motherfucking help you. I need to head back to my hive though."

I nodded and said alright, letting him go, but stopped him soon after. "I-Isn't Karkat already your moirial though?"

He shrugged. "Who motherfucking cares? Trolls can have more than one moirial, right?"

I shrugged hesitantly. "I-I guess?"

Gamzee patted my shoulder. "Don't worry about him to much." He then walked out of my respiteblock and out of my hive.

Little Bitty Miracles {Gamzee x Tavros}Where stories live. Discover now