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>Be Tavros

(also sorry to people who like Vriska. I personally like her too, its just in this story she will be a bully. Sorry)

I was slammed against the lockers behind me, the blue-blood in front of me holding me up by my shirt collar.

"Sup Nitram?" Vriska asked. My breathing sped up, scared what she would do this time.

She tilted her head to the side, smiling. "You've got that homework for me, right?" (sorry its to clichè). I nervously shook my head. Vriska pouted. "Why not?"

"T-The material w-was to d-difficult for me-" I was cut off before I could finish.

"If you can talk in that kind of language," Vriska pulled me away from the wall, then slammed me back against it, knocking the wind out of me, "then you can do math, damn it!"

"I-I'm not s-sure if that's h-how it-"

Vriska then wrapped her hands around my neck. My mouth shot open as well as my eyes. She would usually choke me, but she seemed really angry today, so her grip was tighter than usual.

"That'll be my 20th no-homework!" Vriska informed me through her gritted teeth. "Then I'll be in my 5th after school due to homework! I'M GONNA GET SUSPENDED CAUSE OF YOU NITRAM! MY LUSUS WILL PROBABLY EAT ME FOR THIS!"

It was getting harder and harder to take a single breath. She would've stopped by now, but Vriska's nails just dug deeper into my grey skin. I tried to pull her hands away as she lifted me farther off the ground, but nothing was working.

So this is how I go? I asked myself. Choked to death by my school bully in my school halls while nobody gives a single damn about me. . . .

There was a grey figure on my left behind Vriska, but since my vision was becoming blurry, I had no clue who or what it was. They were probably just gonna watch anyways.

Vriska was then knocked off her feet and fell to her left onto the floor, releasing me. I feel on my hands and knees and gasped for air, coughing at some points.

"Why you gotta go and motherfucking choke a guy?" someone asked Vriska as she was still on the floor.

"Why do you care, Makara?" she asked the guy.

Makara?. . . I thought as I still gasped for air. That name sounds familiar. Do I have a class with that person? Makara . . . Makara . . . I think that's someone's last name, but who's?

"Better go and motherfuckin' scurry, before things get motherfucking physical," the Makara guy told her.

Vriska scoffed, but got up and walked off.

My breathing was finally starting to get back to normal, till I saw purple shoes and black pants with grey polka-dots. I started breathing fast again, and kept looking at the ground.

"I-If you're gonna finish what she started," I began, tearing up a little, "then j-just do it."

I heard shuffling in front of me and I closed my eyes, shaking a little. A hand gently grabbed my chin and lifted my head up, making me look into someone else's eyes. They were male. His hair was messy, his troll horns curved on the top of his head, he had some sort of white facepaint on, and his symbol on his black shirt was a really dark purple.

"Why would I motherfuckin' do that to a little motherfucker like you?" he asked back.

He stood up from his squatted position. "Gamzee's my motherfuckin' name." Gamzee outstretched a grey hand and I gave him a small smile, grabbing it with one of my own hands.

"Tavros," I told him, "a-and I can see cursing is your game."

He gave me a sort of dark chuckle. "My greatest motherfucking game."

I laughed. "Sorry, I-I don't curse much."

Gamzee shrugged. "Who motherfuckin' cares? I do it to motherfucking much."

I smiled back at him and we began walking.

"Do you need the motherfuckin' nurse?" Gamzee asked.

I thought then shrugged. "I don't think so. W-Why?"

"You neck is leaking some motherfuckin' brown shit."

I gently wrapped a hand around my neck, looking back at it to see my fudge colored blood on my fingers and palm. I sighed.

Gamzee lazily slumped his arm over my shoulders. "Let's go little man. To the motherfuckin' nurses office!"

When we arrived at the office, Gamzee had to wait outside the nurse's office while she tended my wounds. She cleaned my blood around my neck and put some gauze and wrap on it to stop any potential bleeding in the future. I thanked her and she told me that the guidance counselor wanted to see me, so I headed to his office.

I opened his office door and sat down in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

"Do you know why you're here, Mr. Nitram?" he asked me, leaning forward on his desk.

I shook my head. "N-no sir."

He pointed to my neck. "Someone reported you getting chocked in one of the hallways."

I shrugged and looked down, twiddling my thumbs. "Its n-no big deal," I told him. "H-Happens a lot."

He took a deep breath. "Tavros, bullying is a BIG issue, especially to me. Horrible things could happen if this continues. All we need you to do is tell me who did this."

I stayed silent for a few seconds. "I-I can talk t-to her-"

"Tavros. Her name. Please."

"I-I'm . . . just scared she'll try and hurt me again i-if I say her name."

"I promise you Tavros, that will not happen as long as I'm here."

I looked up at him and saw him smile at me, so I gave a small smile back.

I let my smile fade, and looked back at my lap. "V-Vriska," I said, "Vriska S-serket."

There was silence, till he stood up. "Thank you Tavros, that's all."

I nodded and stood up, leaving his office to find Gamzee standing in the main office with a lazy smile on his face. I flashed him a quick smile and we walked out of the office together.

Little Bitty Miracles {Gamzee x Tavros}Where stories live. Discover now