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I woke up in my bed, alone. I whimpered a little, but sat up to see a note next to me.

HaD tO gO tO mY mOtHeRfUcKiNg HiVe To GeT rEaDy FoR mOtHeRfUcKiNg ScHoOl

-HoNk :o)

(P.s. IlL bE bY aRoUnD sIx In ThE mOrNiNg To GeT yOu)

I smiled and got up to get ready for the day. Once I finished getting dressed, I wheeled my way over to my husktop to check my Trollian - like every other day. I was a little sad to not see a message from Gamzee, but there were a few from Aradia, so I answered them.

----|Hide Trollog|----

--- apocalypseArisen (AA) began trolling adiosToreador (AT) ---

AA: apearently nepeta settled everything between sollux and terezi.
AA: but dont be surprised if either one of them goes to school tomorrow with scratches from her.
AA: oh hi tavros!
AA: dont worry your fine.
AT: oK,
AA: alright ill leave you to it!
AA: bye!
AT: bYE,

--- adiosToreador (AT) ceased trolling apocalypseArisen (AA) ---

I powered down my husktop as the front door to my hive began getting knocked on. I giggled and grabbed my school bag, but my happiness faded as I opened the door and was shoved back.

She stepped in the doorway, the light from outside casted a shadow over her whole body, but I still saw that devilish smirk that sent chills down my spine.

She then stepped into my hive and the outside light went away, making her whole form visible as the shadow left her.

"V-Vriska!?" I yelled in fear.

She looked down at me, still smirking. "Howdy fuckwad."

I rolled backwards as she stepped closer, only to turn around and shut the door, locking it as well.

"P-Please," I began to beg and started crying, "I-I don't wanna s-strife."

Vriska smiled and leaned down into my face. "Then this will be easy for me," she whispered.

She then tipped my wheelchair to the left hard, making me fall out and land on my side. I made a loud whimper, but tried to get away. I used my elbows and waist to try and move away from her, but the movement got me nowhere. It only made me cry more.

Vriska then leaned over me and quickly flipped me over on my back and I screamed.

"PLEASE!" I cried as I begged for my life. "PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! P-PLEASE VRISKA!" She only laughed.

I soon heard the door get banged on, but as soon as it started, Vriska started to choke me and moved my head to where I looked her dead in the eyes and I couldn't move.

"P-PLEASE!" I gasped for air. "S-STOP! H-HELP!"

My eyes grew heavy and my mind became fuzzy; I knew the feeling well. I still cried for help as Vriska slowly started to control my mind. The door kept banging and I heard yelling and begging, but my mind was to busy worrying about other things to give the banging and yelling a second thought. Everything in me soon stopped and my eyes closed, but the command in my head told me to keep breathing, but lightly. I had no choice but to follow it.


>Be a Worried Gamzee

I banged and banged on Tavros's hive door as I heard him beg for whoever it was to stop what they were doing. I had an obvious hunch who it was and what they were doing.

After a few more pounds, his voice stopped and I heard her laugh. I growled.

Vriska will not touch my matesprite after I'm finished with her; or anyone after this.

I heard her groan inside his hive. "Who is it?" she asked in an annoyed, almost mocking tone.

I took a few steps back and with all my might, ran up and kicked the hive door, making it swing open to reveal me to Vriska on the other side.

"Who do you fuckin' think, motherfucker?" I asked back, angrily. She scoffed back.

I looked around her and saw Tavros laying on his back on the floor, unmoving. I quickly rushed over to him.

"Tavros!" I said quickly as I sat over his body, straddling his waist.

"All yours buddy," Vriska said. "I can't really do much now - seems he died too early."

I studied Tavros's face. His cheeks were streaked with tears and his nose was leaking brown blood. I almost started crying - really thinking he died and I did nothing to help him - but I saw his chest rise and fall. I let out a breath of relief, but looked back at Vriska; not even close to being finished with her.

"What did you do to him?!" I yelled, looking at her over my right shoulder.

She smirked and crossed her arms. "Not much really."

I then felt Tavros move underneath me. I looked at him and saw him sit up straight. I smiled, but noticed his eyes. They were all white - like that dream I had of him when he-

His arms then quickly shot up from his sides and wrapped around my neck, starting to choke me.

"T-Tav!" I stuttered out. Vriska laughed.

"Whoops!" she said. "I might've lied about the whole 'being dead' part, but I won't for long!"

After she said that, Tavros's nose began to bleed more. He started to shake - possibly from blood loss - so I reached my left hand up to try and stop the bleeding, but he stopped shaking. His eyes closed and he took a deep breath, opening his eyes to show his normal, beautiful brown ones.

"Gamzee!" he said out of breath. He started crying and slowly released the pressure around my neck. I took deep breaths.

"G-Gamzee, I-I'm sorry! I-I'm sorry!"

I shushed him softly, cupping his cheeks as he melted into my touch. "It's ok Tav, it's ok-"

He gripped my shirt. "N-No it's n-not!" Tavros cried. "S-She's controlling my mind, I-I can't fight her off m-much longer!" He leaned his forehead against my chest while holding onto my shirt and wailed.

I wrapped my arms around his back and rubbed it as he started to groan and scream.

"Stop it!" I yelled at Vriska. "Stop it right now before I motherfuckin' loose my motherfuckin' shit!"

Vriska was to concentrated on Tavros though, looking at him with her index and middle fingers to her temple. I growled as Tavros shook, then stopped moving. He sat up and started chocking me again.

"About damn time," Vriska stated as she smirked.

I growled through gritted teeth as she made her way over to my right side, crouching down to stare me in the eyes.

"Now," she started, "which one of you is gonna die first? Cause it's obvious that one of you will die if this continues; and I plan on it."

I gave her a confused look, laced with anger. "W-What?" I gasped.

"Tavros is trying to resist my force on himself, which is taking a toll on him. The more he resists, the easier it is for me to take control - cause he's getting weaker. As for you; when my connection with him is this strong, I can increase his strength. In only a few moments, I will be able to make him snap your neck like a little fucking twig." She smirked again. "Now - who do you choose? Save yourself, or your fucking useless heap of a crippled matesprit?"

Little Bitty Miracles {Gamzee x Tavros}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن