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>Be Tavros

I woke up on my bed. My head hurt a lot, and I really couldn't remember a lot from last night. I didn't want to get up, but my computer went off. Probably someone trolling me. I was gonna get up and check it, but saw a note near my pillow.

DeAr TaVbRo,

YoU kInDa FeLl AsLeEp On Me WhEn YoU wErE cRyInG yEsTuRdAy So I jUsT kInDa SeT yOu In YoUr BeD aNd LeFt

-HoNk :o)

I smiled, then got up to answer my Trollian, only to be really dizzy. Did something happen last night? Did I have something? I pulled up my Trollian with a pounding headache to see it was Gamzee.

----|Hide Trollog|----

-- terminallyCapricious (TC) troll pestering adiosToreador (AT) --

TC: MoRnInG tAvBrO
AT: hey
TC: WhOa LiTtLe MaN iS sOmEtHiNg Up
AT: my head hurts so much
AT: i just cant type using my quirk right now
TC: PoOr LiTtLe TaVbRo :o(
TC: IlL bE rIgHt OvEr
AT: you dont need to come over gamz

-- terminallyCapricious (TC) ceased trolling adiosToreador (AT) --

AT: gamzee
AT: gamz
AT: geez
AT: you dont need to come over
AT: ill be fine
AT: and i hear you knocking
AT: never mind


I held my head as I heard Gamzee vigorously knocking on my hive's front door. "P-Please stop Gam!" I yelled kinda softly, trying not to hurt my head.

The knocking stopped as soon as I asked him to, and I opened the door to see the one and only Gamzee Makara standing there.

I leaned on the doorframe, keeping my eyes closed from the bright light outside. "H-Hey Gamz," I said quietly, really wanting to fall asleep.

I felt myself lean forward, but Gamzee caught me.

"Woah there Tavbro," Gamzee said with a deep chuckle, "Why ya gotta go and fall?"

I tiredly shrugged. "I just . . . n-need to lay down. . . . Head hurts a lot."

"Don't worry about it."

Gamzee then picked me up bridal style, but I was to tired to care. I leaned my head against his chest as he shut the door and walked all the way to my respiteblock. He opened and shut the door, then set me in my bed.

I looked up at him. "O-Ok, you can go to school now Gamz," I told him.

He shrugged. "Seems like my little Tavbro needs a serious miracle . . . and that miracle is me."

I gave a soft and short chuckle. "W-Whatever."

I closed my eyes and after a while felt a hand on my head. Gamzee began to rub my temples gently. It felt nice so I let him continue.

I was finally able to go to sleep and woke up what felt like 2 hours later. Gamzee was still rubbing my head, but was looking off in the distance. I felt a lot better.

"G-Gamz," I started, getting his attention.

"Morning little man," he greeted.

"Y-You can stop rubbing my head now. My headache is gone."

Gamzee removed his hands. "That's a good motherfucking thing to hear."

I shrugged under the covers. "Yeah. Except I-I feel like I-I have a fever now."

Gamzee put the back of his hand against my head and I felt his cold touch. I wanted his hand to stay, but he got up to go to my bathroom to get a rag.

I started to think. 'I wanted his hand to stay. . .?' Why was I thinking that?! Gamzee is my friend. He . . . we've even been acting like morials, even though we've only known each other properly for a day.

Gamzee came back and gently place the rag on my head. I closed my eyes as I once again felt tired. I felt Gamzee touch my left horn, gently rubbing it. I liked it, but why was he doing it? It made me feel a little . . . weird.

I kept nudging my head to the left, making his hand move a little more along my horn. I felt myself purr and heard Gamzee chuckle.

I opened my eyes and blinked a few times feeling myself blush from my behavior before.

"W-What was that about G-Gamzee?" I asked him, knowing I was nervous about asking that.

He shrugged. "Why the fuck not? You seem to be enjoying it." I noticed some dark purple against his cheeks. I wasn't sure what it was. Makeup I've never noticed? I don't know his blood color, so it might be makeup.

"W-Well, I-I didn't k-know I was g-gonna enjoy it."

Gamzee gave me a lazy smile. "Go back to sleep Tavbro. I'll stop if you motherfucking want me to."

I thought quickly and shook my head, shocking myself, but added: "N-No. I-It feels . . . n-nice."

I closed my eyes again and felt Gamzee move his hand and rub my horn again. I knew I was blushing more, but let myself lightly purr and go back to sleep.


>Be Gamzee

I returned to the little man's respiteblock and placed that motherfucking rag on Tavbro's head nice and gentle-like. He closed his eyes at the contact and seemed to go back to sleep.

I quietly sighed and watched him. This motherfucking flush-crush on this little cutie is eating me alive. I've always thought he was adorable when he walked around school, and when I saw Vriska choking him - almost to death - I snapped. I almost could've killed her when I knocked her down, but had to keep my anger inside me. No wonder everyone calls me the 'Bard of Rage'.

I couldn't stop myself when I reached up and started rubbing his horn closest to me. He was squirming a little, but he seemed to be enjoying my contact. After a few seconds, he was moving his head to the side, making my hand rub more of his horn. I could hear him purring now, and I just couldn't take how adorable he looked, so I gave one of my deep chuckles.

He woke up and blinked a few times, a brown blush very present on his face. "W-What was that about G-Gamzee?" he asked, stuttering my name.

I shrugged. "Why the fuck not? You seem to be enjoying it." I felt myself blush, hoping it wasn't to noticeable. I didn't want Tavros learning my blood color - he may treat me differently. I mean, he seems scared of the highblood, and if he knew about my blood, he would probably ignore me forever.

"W-Well, I-I didn't k-know I was g-gonna enjoy it." He kept blushing more and more by the second. He avoided looking me in the eyes and I could tell he was embarrassed.

I lazily smiled and knew he could see it. "Go back to sleep Tavbro," I told him. "I'll stop if you motherfucking want me to."

His eyes seemed to widen a little and he shook his head. "N-No," he said, "I-It feels . . . n-nice."

He closed his eyes and I smile, reaching to grab his horn again. He blushed even more and began purring again as I rubbed his horn. After a while, his purring died down and he was asleep again. All I could do was watch him and let my flush-crush grow even more.

Little Bitty Miracles {Gamzee x Tavros}Where stories live. Discover now