Chapter 20: Annabeth

Start from the beginning

            Enceladus snorted. “You claim that you are the wisest, though you sound like a typical child of Athena. You’re just a know-it-all.”

            Annabeth felt her blood boil. She hated it when people called her a know-it-all. She knew it was true, but she hated people pointing it out. There was no way she was going to let Enceladus push her around, especially since he was meant to oppose her mother.

            “You were bragging,” Annabeth pointed out, fighting to keep her voice under control. “You said you were the smartest giant.”

            “That was a fact. You just gave me opinions. I’m here to fight the wisest child of Athena, and you don’t seem like you’re the wisest.” Enceladus looked annoyed.

            Suddenly Annabeth had a plan. She had been wracking her brain for some kind of plan, knowing that Enceladus would be pretty smart. Enceladus had given her the plan.

            Putting on her poker face, Annabeth sighed and looked at her feet. She put her arms behind her back, though her grip on her sword didn’t loosen. She tried to appear embarrassed.

            “You’re right,” she muttered, trying to sound disappointed. “I’m not the wisest. I’ve been pretending for ages that I knew everything, but I don’t.” She dug her fingernails into her back, hard enough to cause her eyes to tear up. She looked up at Enceladus, pleased with the tears in her eyes. “I-I just came to be with my boyfriend, Percy.”

            Enceladus looked slightly confused. Annabeth took his silence to continue on with her lie.

            “Percy was missing for so long… He was gone for about six or seven months. I knew I would only see him if I would be on the quest. They needed another demigod, so I offered to go. I d-didn’t know how much I would sacrifice.” Annabeth sniffled, bringing her hand up to her face. She was proud at her sudden ability to be an actress.

            “I see…” Enceladus suddenly gave a wicked smile. “Now… I have a question. If you’re not the wisest demigod, why did Athena lead you to the Athena Parthenos?”

            The air seemed to be sucked from Annabeth’s lungs. She found it hard to breathe, and a layer of sweat began to trickle down her face. She fought to keep her poker face on.

            “When I agreed to go on the quest, Athena was probably very happy. A child of Athena would have been chosen anyways, since only a child of Athena can retrieve the Athena Parthenos. So Athena gave me the Mark-”

            Enceladus threw his head back and gave a booming laugh. Annabeth’s voice faltered as the giant said, “You really think I’m that dense, Annabeth Chase? Your plan was foolish and flawed.”

            Without warning, Enceladus used the shaft of his spear to bat Annabeth aside. She flew into the air before slamming into the ground about fifteen feet away. The air was knocked from her lungs, and her side ached. She scrambled to her feet, breathing heavily, trying to shake off the pain growing in her ribs.

            She most likely had a few broken ribs from the impact. She had sustained broken ribs before, so she knew what it felt. Judging by the throbbing by her ribcage, she had at least two broken ribs.

            “Unfair,” Annabeth wheezed, pain surging through her body as she spoke. “It’s only kind to wait until your opponent is ready.”

            “If you’ve talked to my opponents, they would say I’m the opposite of kind.” Enceladus gave another deep chuckle. “Haven’t you talked to your friends about me? After all, I did fight Jason, Piper, and Leo.”

            “If I recall, they did defeat you.” The words slipped from Annabeth’s mouth before she could think straight.

            Enceladus suddenly had a murderous look on his face. His eyes were filled with hate and he said slowly, “You, Annabeth Chase, are going to regret ever saying that.”

            He held the spear up close to his face. He opened his mouth and suddenly breathed out a stream of fire.

            Gods, I don’t remember Jason telling me he could breathe fire, Annabeth thought weakly.

            The giant breathed fire onto the blade of the spear. The metal glowed orange from the flames. When the blade was glowing and had sparks dancing on the metal, Enceladus roared and stabbed the spear downwards.

            Annabeth was still too weak to run, so she didn’t have time to react before she felt the spear piercing her skin. She screamed, feeling the red hot metal dig into her skin. She gripped her side, feeling the agony rush through her body.

            She could hear Enceladus laughing through the ringing in her ears. There was a slight tugging sensation on her side as the spear was pulled out of the side. The combined pain of her broken ribs and now being stabbed was putting Annabeth through total agony.

            She was writhing on the ground in pain, feeling the tears roll down her cheeks as she continued to shriek. Her hands were growing sticky from the blood. With tears in her eyes, she removed her hands, seeing them covered in blood. The blood was rushing from the wound at an alarming rate. If the blood didn’t stop, she would pass out.

            With her bloodied hand, Annabeth dug in her pocket, feeling a sense of relief when she felt the plastic bag in her pocket. She shakily opened the Ziploc bag, taking a square of ambrosia and shoving it into her mouth. Some of the pain diminished, and she could feel the blood slowing to a stop.

            She shakily stood, gripping her sword again. The room was spinning, and she faced a smirking Enceladus.

            Even though she felt ready to puke, Annabeth managed out, “Why didn’t you finish me off?”

            Enceladus gave Annabeth a wicked grin. “I actually want a fight, daughter of Athena. It will be much easier to get rid of you since you’re wounded.”

            Annabeth was already losing. She had broken ribs and had just been stabbed by a burning hot spear. By this rate, she would be dead in five minutes.

            Children of Athena never back down, even if they’re going to die.

            Annabeth raised her sword and prepared for the fight of her life.

A/N: another quick update :D ahh, happy with my lack of writer's block! I feel that this is an accomplishment, seeing that I haven't had much writer's block at all on this story.

this chapter is dedicated to Hedgehog_PercyLover7 c:

thank you all for getting this story to 600 votes already. feeling pretty good about this story :)

next chapter will be Nico c: love you all very much!

- Megan <3

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