"Yo dude, when are you going to get your ass back here?" Niall says to me, his voice now loud and clear now that he has stolen Ryder's phone from her. "I am tired of watching this little brat."

"That little brat just kicked your ass. Now shut it."

"Dude, she is mean today. I think she is on her period."

"Shut up!" I hear Ryder yell, annoyed, and I roll my eyes.

"Niall, can I please talk to my girl now?"

"Ugh, fine. But you owe me big time for this shit."

"Yeah yeah, sure sure." I say, nodding my head back and forth.

"Okay, I'm back." Ryder says after a moment of hearing things shuffle around.

"Good. Now, how are you doing today?"

"Good I guess. Niall is being a pain."

I chuckle. "You two are getting along very well aren't you?"

"I love him but he's like an annoying big brother. I mean not even Shawn has ever been this annoying."

"Hey,I can hear you!" I hear Niall yells, his voice sounding distant.

"I don't care!" She yells back before focusing back on me. "So how are you doing? How is Gemma?"

"We are fine, we are actually going to watch a movie right now." I reply briefly turning around to see if Gemma and Logan are coming but I don't see them.

"Oh well that's cool."

"I guess." I shrug. "I would much rather watch a movie with you."

"Same. I really miss you."

"I miss you but don't worry when this is all done I'm going right back over to you. I love you so much baby."

"I love you." She replies and after a few more minutes of talking we hang up the phone.

"Dude, you got it bad." Logan  speaks and I turn my head seeing him and my sister making their way over to the other couch.

"What? Is it wrong to love my girlfriend?" I ask as they sit down before Gemma leans over handing me a bowl of popcorn.

"No, but why not marry her already?"

"I want all of this taken care of first." I reply tossing a piece of popcorn into my mouth.

When I glance up from the bowl, after tossing a few more pieces of popcorn into my mouth, I take in their shocked and frozen expression.

"What?" I ask, as they both stop eating looking at me with wide eyes. 

"Did you not hear what you just said?" Gemma questions me.

"You basically said you want to marry Ryder." Logan says, lowering his hand down, holding a half eaten liquorish stick. 

"Yeah, I do." I shrug. "Eventually. So what?"

"Dude how can you be so chill about this?"  Logan  says, letting out a small laugh. "You used to not even want to date anyone. Plus you have only known Ryder for a couple of months."

"I'm calm because things with Ryder are different. She is it for me." I admit, flicking my eyes to the floor as the side of my lips pull into a smile. "She always has been."

After the movie was over I headed upstairs to my room, deciding to have some time to myself. Once I changed out of my clothes and into my pajama pants I pull back the covers towards the end of the bed and let myself fall back on the mattress letting out a content and tired sigh. Reaching over, I turn off the lamp and shift in bed until I felt comfortable on my side.

I don't know when I feel asleep but I wake from my slumber when my phone starts to vibrate against the lamp table. My eyes suddenly widen as my heart spikes,thinking that something may be very wrong. Hurriedly I sit up and grab my phone seeing Ryder's name on the screen, video calling me.

I press accept while leaning over and turning on the lamp. Ryder's beautiful but tired face appears on the screen as I squint at the sudden brightness in the room.

"Ryder?" I blink, adjusting my eyes to the light. "Are you okay?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I wake you?"

"No baby, it's okay." I say, rubbing my nose with the back of my fingers. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." She nods and now that my eyes have adjusted I can see her more clearly.

From what I could tell Ryder was sitting in bed, wearing her grey long sleeve night shirt with her hair up in a messy, loose bun.

"I just can't sleep. My dad isn't home yet."

I frown. "Isn't Niall with you?"

She nods, resting her chin in her hand. "Yeah, but he's downstairs."

"Oh, okay good." I nod, glad that she isn't alone.

"Now why can't you sleep?"

"I don't know I guess I'm still not used to this bed. I miss our bed. I miss you." She says before sticking her bottom lip out at me.

"I miss you loads, love." I say for what feels like the billionth time but honestly I don't care. I do miss her, and I do love her, so there is no reason for me not to say it.

"How about we stay on the phone until you fall asleep, yeah?" I offer.


"Yeah, go ahead and get comfortable." I say shifting so I am laying back down, folding my arm behind my head. I watch as she shuffles around moving out of view before she finally shows up again, resting in bed, covered by the bedsheets.

"Okay so tell me, what would you like to do when I get back?"

Author's Note:

Hey loves! How are all of you doing? Here is another update for you all and I really hope you liked it! What did you think of Harry's slip on marrying Ryder?

I love you all so much! You guys are the best! Please don't be afraid to come and say hello on my other social media. I promise I will tweet you guys back! My Twitter is: stylesx_angel

Love you Always and Forever! Xoxo

Enticing (Harry Styles AU) #Wattys2016Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon