Chapter four

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4. Appearance

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.

- Confucius

Elvish will be written in Italics.

"Hello friends, I am your English teacher." I smiled at the children. They looked at me weirdly, and it made me chuckle. "I've been told to do this, so it could be easier for us to communicate with mortals. It's going to be useful sometime." I explained. They all nodded, and gave me a smile, which made me smile even more. I love children. "What's your name?" I asked a girl who sat isolated in the room we got. Another girl walked up to me and whispered in my ear. "She doesn't talk so much.." She said. I looked at the girl sadly. "What's your name?" I asked her again. After a long wait, she finally answered. "Meleth." I gave her a kind smile. "Then Meleth, will you please get up here and sit with me?" I asked her. She gave me a shy smile, and did as I told her. When she was sitting down beside me, I squeezed her hand, which seemed to encourage her. "Does anyone know how to say something in English? Any small words?" I asked. A girl with long brown hair nodded, and I pointed at her. "I love you." She said softly, and I gave her a smile. A picture of Legolas appeared in my mind, but I quickly shook it off. "That's great.. What's your name?" I asked. "Nessahil." She smiled, which made me chuckle. "I should probably learn all your names first.. Let's use today to learn each other better, okay?" I said to no one in particular.


I was standing outside in the chilly air, and looked at the stars passing by. "Beautiful.." I whispered to myself. "Yes, very beautiful." A voice said beside me. I didn't have to turn around to see who it was, I knew exactly who. Legolas. "But they are all screaming danger.." I whispered again. I looked at Legolas, and he had raised an eyebrow. "You do not know?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. He shook his head. "There's a great danger lying not as far from where we are standing. As I've told your father, we need to cooperate with the other species." I told him. "But your father don't seem to like that idea.." I added. A shooting star appeared in the night sky, which made me stare at it. Legolas nudged me in the arm, and I turned my attention against him. "Why are you telling me this?" He asked. I smiled at him. "When the time comes, you yourself are going to be a part of it all. A great part." I told him truthfully. He nodded and gave me a smile, showing his perfect teeth and soft lips. I had stared at them for too long, because I noticed Legolas' blushing a bit. I chuckled for myself thinking about his unusual reaction about me. I pecked him on his cheek, and sat off to my room.

As I was laying in my bed, I thought about Legolas. And even though I didn't want to admit it, I had grown feelings for him. I wouldn't call them strong, but they were there. And I knew it. I fell asleep while mumbling a song, and a smile appeared on my lips before everything was black.

When I woke up, I groaned as loudly as I could. A figure was standing somehow.. Above me, and I only realized that, when he or she, I couldn't tell, looked shocked. "Who are you?" I asked. The person took a step back, and somehow hit the wall. I got out of the bed, revealing my body a bit. It wasn't on purpose of course, but if it was a male, it was inappropriate. I quickly hid my body with my fingers, and that gave the intruder a chance to escape. I ran after the person, only to realize I lost her/him. Sighing, I took a stroll in the corridors humming for my self.

"I see you're up early." I heard a voice behind me. I looked behind me, seeing a man I'd never seen in my life. "Yes I am. And if you don't mind me asking, who are you?" I said politely. He gave me a genuine smile and put his long, brown hair behind his ear. He didn't look so rich, so I wondered why he was here in the corridors. After some time, he didn't answer. "Hello?" I tried. "No, I speak elvish." He smirked. I rolled my eyes mentally, but smiled at him. "Then why didn't you answer me?" I asked politely. He just shook his head. "I don't understand.." I kind of whispered. What was he playing at? Not telling your name when asked is pretty unusual for elves to do. We always tell the truth when were able to. - Well, most of us. Maybe the king was an exception. "Maybe you should get some more sleep, you look tired." He stated, then turned around and walked away. I thought about for a few minutes. I actually was tired, but elves don't usually look tired. It's a flaw I have. Apparently, I have a couple of flaws. I'm not perfect, far from it, but I know as a fact, that I'm not ugly. Not at all. But I'm not beautiful either. I would call myself a little pretty.

I sighed, turned around, and walked back to my room. I got the feeling when I got back, that someone had been there, but I shook it off. When I finally got under my covers, my body switched from tense to completely relaxed. I slowly closed my eyes, and fell into a deep sleep. So deep, that I didn't wake up at breakfast time. When I woke up, I walked over to my closet and chose a simple dress to wear. I walked out of my room and down the corridors, expecting to bump into someone, but it never happens.

I felt weird, as if something had changed, but I just shook it off, not caring about it. As I reached the breakfast hall, everybody turned their heads to me and gasped. I gave them a confused look, and just awkwardly stood there, not knowing what to do. I looked at Legolas who also was staring at me weirdly. I decided to just sit down and eat something, but when I was about to grab a bowl of water, I caught a glimpse of myself in it. Instead of my platinum hair that only was a bit longer than down to my shoulders, it was brown. It was behind my back, and when I touched it, I realized it went past my waist. I gasped, earning even more confused looks from people around me. And not only my hair had changed. My once ice blue eyes was brown, and I looked older. Much older. Before, mortals would look at me like a child. Like a seventeen year old perhaps. Now, they would probably think I was twenty-five. It wasn't because I didn't like my new appearance, because I did. It was just how suddenly I changed, and why. What was the purpose of me looking like this? I thought more about it, and realized the same thing happened to my mother. One day she went to sleep and the next day she had changed. She had red hair and green eyes when she fell asleep, but blonde hair and blue eyes when she woke up. It was all a mystery then, - and still is now.

I kind of freaked out. I was confused and my body felt weird. Tears threatened to fall, and when I couldn't hold them back anymore, I ran to my room and let them fall freely. I had been totally embarrassed, and I felt like a teenager that wouldn't leave her room.

Hey guys (the 5 people who actually read this fanfic), I'm sorry for such a short chapter! I really don't have much time to post Her Awakening AND Falling.. So it took some time. Like always, please comment, vote & follow :) Thanks

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