Chapter two

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2. Dangers lies ahead

Even though you're not here, won't move on

- Lana del Rey

As we finally got on land again, I couldn't help myself from hiding that childish smile of mine.

"I'll never, ever sail again!" I yelled, as I attacked the ground with hugs and kisses.

I heard a chuckle and looked up to find Tauriel and Legolas rather amused.

"What?" I said, raising a eyebrow.

"Didn't know you were scared of sailing.." Legolas chuckled.

"Hey, I'm not scared of anything!" I said, giving them both a glare.


"We have to camp here for tonight.." Tauriel said, obviously annoyed.

"Oh, okay." I said simply, then walked over to a rock.

Laying down on the solid rock, I felt happy. It was nice to lie in the free for a change. My mother always took me out camping of some sort. We always had great fun. I smiled to myself at the memory, and didn't realize Legolas sat down beside me.

"Is it alright for me and Tauriel to be lying here?" Legolas asked.

My smile faded, and I nodded. I stood up and walked away, so they could get some privacy. I felt jealous, even though I had no idea why.

Deep in my thoughts, I didn't hear Legolas call after me, but he did.

After about five minutes of walking, I found a tiny lake, and decided to take a swim. I took off my clothes and put them safely beside the water on a rock.

I held my breath and jumped in the water with my head first. The water was cold and refreshing, and I couldn't help myself from laughing really loud.

That was something I shouldn't have done. I heard voices and turned around in the water to see where they came from. Two orcs was standing beside my clothes, looking at me with their evil eyes.

"What are you doing out here in the forest all alone?" One of them said. The other one laughed, and I felt disgusted by the sight.

"Never mind, it's time to die." The other one said, suddenly serious.

I hopped out of the water, and the orca looked at my naked body. The next thing happened so fast. I transformed into the white wolf, who was growling loudly at the two orcs. I attacked them both, and soon they were both dead. I sighed in my wolf form, ready to transform back to human, but was suddenly hit by an arrow in my stomach area.

I looked over where the arrow came from, and I saw another orc, giving me death glares. I attacked him, and after seven minutes of fighting, I finally killed him.

The pain from my stomach was unbearable, and I howled as loud as I could, as if it would make the pain go away.

I stumbled around, trying to keep me awake, but it was hard. The arrow which hit me was filled with poison, used for killing all sorts of animals.


My vision was blurred, and I was on the edge of falling asleep, when I heard something, or someone in the bushes. I growled loudly, letting the person know I knew they were there.

Out from the bushes came Legolas. He didn't realize it was me, and he took out his bow and arrow, pointing at me.

I mentally rolled my eyes, and turned so he could see my wound. He looked confused at me, but before I could growl or anything, my legs became weaker, and I couldn't stand. I dragged myself over to my clothes, and I somehow managed to get them over me.

Legolas was still looking shocked at me. I transformed back into a elf and lost conscious. Everything were black, and I somehow felt at peace.


"We have to go now Legolas!" I heard Tauriel yell.

"We can't, she's unconscious!" Legolas yelled back.

"Then stay with her." Tauriel hissed. "I'll go get help."

Legolas sighed, and I tried to open my eyes. Everything was a bit blurry for a while, but soon my eyes could see normal, and was adjusted to the dark.

I sat up, looking around. It was still very dark outside, which meant I had been unconscious for a couple of hours at maximum.

"Legolas, I'm cold.. And it hurts" I said. He turned around and looked at me with pity. I rolled my eyes and gave him a glare.

"I don't need your pity." I hissed.

"Then don't tell me you're hurt, or you'll get it." He hissed.

I stood up, and looked into his eyes. "I was just simply stating the truth!" I yelled.

"Okay then! I don't care anyways!" He yelled at me.

I took one step closer to him, and glared at him. He blushed, which made me confused for a while, then I realized that we were so close, that if I leaned in a inch, we would be kissing.

I bit my lip, trying to hold back from leaning in. It was hard, but I managed to stop myself.

I looked at Legolas' eyes, and I found them looking at my lips. I blushed, and looked down again.

He gently pushed me against a tree, surprising me. He leaned in and gave me a soft kiss on the lips. He licked my lip, asked for permission, and I opened my mouth, letting his tongue get in. He removed his lips from mine, and started to suck on my neck. I moaned when he found my sweet spot, and he kept sucking there until I gently pushed him away.

"What's wrong?" He asked disappointed.

"W-we shouldn't be doing t-this.." I stuttered. Even though I missed his lips, I managed to hold back.

Instead of answering me, he turned around and lay down on the ground, closing his eyes.

I lay down beside Legolas, not too close, but not too far either. I closed my eyes, and started to drift to sleep. I felt two arms wrap around me, and then I fell asleep.


Sorry for such a short chapter ;__;

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