Start from the beginning

"So what was I doing wrong?" He asked nervously, looking up at me with uncertainty in his eyes. "I mean, besides the whole you catching me in the act thing," He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly, accepting the cocoa as I poured it for him with a murmur of thanks.

"Everything," I deadpanned, "I am going to guess you were freaking out, mainly because this is probably your first time,"

"My first time murdering someone...yeah," Preston clarified, his eyes wandering around the room.

"So first off, you were hella loud," I commented before Preston interrupted me.

"That's what she said!" He snorted into his hot chocolate, making me nearly spill mine through laughter.

"Your fingerprints are probably all over that shovel, my house and that body, you weren't wearing gloves dude. Not to mention you stole my shovel, and left the door open," I laughed, "Why would you do that?" He laughed along with me, taking another sip of the warm drink.

"I guess I'm not accustomed to hiding my ex who threatened to kill my family's body in the woods," He revealed, giving me a pained look.

I immediately stopped laughing, feeling sorry for Preston. Odd, I'd never met someone with an actual excuse for murder before, my buddies and I just thought it was funny way to make some extra cash.

"I'm sorry," I said, and replied thoughtfully, "That was a brave thing for you to do," I swirled my spoon around in my glass, staring into the chocolatey depths, the color matching Preston's eyes.

"Was it?" He asked after a moment, sounding disappointed. He shifted awkwardly in his seat, expectant of my answer.

"Yeah, I could never care about anyone like you do," I admitted, downing the rest of the drink. Preston didn't respond, he merely sat in silence, staring at the wall.

"If you don't mind me asking, who's in the body bag outside the door?" Preston asked curiously, breaking the silence. He got up from the table, setting his cup next to a bin of water that served as a sink.

"Just the guy I came to bury tonight," I said shamelessly, remembering why I was even here in the first place, "Nobody important," I reflected, "Just someone who had a lot of enemies,"

"Do you ever feel empty?" Preston asked suddenly, "Because that's all I can feel right now,"

"Not to be cheesy, but I can help you with that," I walked to his side on the table, putting a hand comfortingly on his shoulder, "You want some more cocoa, love?" I whispered in his ear.

"That would be nice," Preston smiled up at me, "So what else do you do besides murder, Mitch?" He asked me, walking over to my desk, examining the various photos and other belongings that had accumulated on the surface.

"Well, I like to travel. Pretty much it," I said simply, "Oh, I also like photography," I pointed to a picture I'd taken of my old friend in front of a beautiful sunset, "I took that," I said proudly, looking away before I got lost in those old memories.

"Who is that guy?" Preston asked, looking at the man with short brown hair and an abnormally large nose.

"Just an old friend," I avoided the topic, I hated talking too much about the past.

"Oh good," Preston raised his eyebrow at me, looking at some of my other pictures.

He walked over to the bedside table, picking up the book that was lying there. I walked up behind him, resting my forearms on his shoulders in what he would hopefully interpret as a flirty gesture.

"You did say that girl was your ex, correct?" He nodded "So does that mean you are single or...?" I felt awkward, I was used to getting straight to the point with murder goddamit!

Preston laughed, "I did not expect that," He turned to face me, smiling, "Yeah, I guess I am," He answered thoughtfully, looking into my eyes. We lingered there for a few moments before he spoke up, "I'm not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together,"

"Well Preston," I straightened my jacket, "If being sexy was a crime, you'd be guilty as charged," I winked at him, seeing his face flush red.

"Mitch you put the ass in mass murderer," Preston responded, wrapping his arms around my waist. I took my book from his hands, placing it back on the table.

I imploded from cuteness, "Your body is 65% percent water and I'm thirsty," I replied, leaning in to touch my nose to his.

"Your eyes are as brown as the ground I dumped my ex's body in," He said breathlessly, as I sat down on my little bed, pulling Preston on top of me, him sitting in my lap.

"Do you know your ABC's? Cause I wanna give you the 4th letter of the alphabet," I whispered in a low voice, I shut my eyes, tilting my head slightly to the right, connecting my lips to his. His hands ran through my brown hair, scooting closer to me.

"Should I point out the fact that you still have a body to bury?" Preston asked between kisses, adjusting himself to look out the small window at the body bag sitting out in the cold night air.

"We'll do that later," I turned his head back towards me, craving his touch. "Just kiss me goddamit,"  

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