Poofless Vampire au

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Rob's P.O.V:

"Preeessstoooooonnnnnnnnn!" I complained, spinning around in my office chair, "I'm really bored. Entertain me!" I stared at the darkening skyline outside, it was already 11:43 pm.

I heard him running down the hallway shouting random gibberish. Preston slid into the room in his bunny slippers, "I AM NEEDED!" His foot landed on a pair of discarded shorts, launching him onto the floor.

"Well that was all the entertainment I could ask for and more," I laughed, walking to where Preston fell.

He groaned, sitting up, "Ow," He rubbed the back of his head, wincing.

"Aww poor Preston, is my baby hurt?" I couldn't stop laughing as I gathered him up into my arms, setting him down on my bed. I tucked the covers in around him, kissing his head softly.

"This is why you clean your room Rob, people get hurt," Preston grumbled, hitting me with a pillow, sporting a wide grin.

I climbed onto my bed, crawling over Preston to get to my side. He draped his arm across my chest, his head resting on my shoulder. "Are you going to sleep?" I asked, wrapping my free arm around his waist, my head resting on his.

"It's late, Rob," Preston exhaled, and I could feel the waves of his breathing began to slow.

"I should go soon, before I get too hungry," I whispered to Preston, sighing. I tried to sit up, but Preston kept a tight hold on me.

"You don't kill them, do you?" Preston's voice broke, his body shaking nervously.

"You know I don't," I reassured him, "Do you wonder about anything else?" I asked curiously, gently removing his arm from around me. I walked to my desk, pulling on my shoes, before returning to sit on the edge of the bed, stroking Preston's silky brown hair.

"What would I taste like?" He asked curiously, smiling sleepily at me.

"Preston?!" I exclaimed, if I could blush my face would be a tomato.

"C'mon I wanna know!" He insisted, sitting up, propping himself up on a pillow.

"Oh, you mean blood," I stuttered, embarrassed. I looked away sheepishly as Preston started laughing uncontrollably.

"Robert..." Preston shook his head, still snickering to himself.

"SHUT UP I WASN'T THINKING!" I tried to defend myself to no avail.

"YOU WERE, AND THAT WAS THE WRONG KIND OF THINKING!" Preston scolded, flicking my arm.

"I should be going now, goodbye," I jumped up, walking to the door, still flustered.

"BYE BITCH!" He yelled at me, still wrapped like a baby in the comforter.

When I returned, Preston was fast asleep, drooling a little on the pillow. I chuckled as I slipped in next to him, staring at the ceiling motionlessly until daytime arrived and my life awoke from its slumber.

"Rob..." His eyes fluttered open, and he sat up suddenly, searching for me blindly in the darkness.

"I'm right here Preston, what happened?" I asked, slightly alarmed. It was very rare for Preston to have nightmares.

"I-I don't...I can't remember anything but fear," He clung to my arm, his body shaking.

"Don't be afraid Preston," I cooed, rubbing his shoulders comfortingly.

"I hate nightmares," Preston whispered over my shoulder, his arms around my waist.

"I could take that away," I told him reassuringly, trying to make my proposition sound as pleasing as possible.

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