Empty Skies: Ksimon

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(A/N): This ship isn't romantic, I wanted to try out something new that is more platonic and more likely to happen in real life. -Mayrael

Simon's P.O.V:

I stared up into the night sky, the stars seeming to shift their positions as the time flew by. I guessed it was a new moon, the white satellite nowhere to be seen. I was sitting on the small patch of roof outside of my window, a small patch of sky all to myself.

In this moment I felt a small sense of peace, something I haven't had since the breakup. Just that word brought a tsunami of memories, thoughts, and feelings to my head. Tears pricked at my eyes and a few made their way down my cheeks as I bitterly drove my nails into the palms of my hands.

"Simon..." I turned rapidly to see JJ leaning against the open window. I knew he'd be the one to find me, but I don't know if I can stand facing anyone after what happened downstairs.

"I don't want to talk about it." I replied bluntly, feeling my neck tense as I lowered my gaze completely to look at my best friend. I knew he must be worried; I had just ran out of the room suddenly and hid.

JJ said nothing, instead walking towards me and sitting beside me on the roof ledge outside of my window. He kept his distance but I could feel his relentless gaze on me as I returned my eyes to the sky.

"I feel so..." I said plainly, my voice surprisingly calm for the storm I felt raging inside my mind, "Empty."

I could feel a cool breeze wash over me as JJ replied, "Staring at the empty sky isn't much help then."

"It's not empty," I argued, "There are some stars," I added thoughtfully, a particularly strong light emitting from one of the dots in the sky.

"True," Sighed Jide contently, shifting his body so he was lying on the uneven roof, staring at the sky. "I can see why you like it out here, it's quiet."

I hummed in agreement, fiddling with my shoelaces, "It is, my thoughts can kind of just exist out here."

"And what are those thoughts telling you?" JJ asks simply, and I can tell he is being careful with his word choice.

"Nothing I want to hear," I answer and cut him off before he can speak up, "I need to listen though, it reminds me that I can't control everything." I feel almost cheesy, but it really felt that way.

We sit in silence once again, Jide being completely void of things to say.

"Thanks," I said out of nowhere, looking back down at the familiar face of the friend I'd known since I was 11. It gave me a small consolation of comfort.

"For what?" JJ asked, his brown eyes searching my own curiously.

"You haven't pressed me, you always listen to me no matter what," More tears welled up in my eyes, "You're always h-ere f-f-or me-e-"

JJ sat up immediately as my eyes spilled all the tears I had been holding in for so long. He pulled me into his lap, cradling me to his chest as I let go, sobbing my heart out. I grabbed at his shirt, my body violently shuddering with each massive intake of air.

"I was just some toy, not even worth the time!" I cried out, JJ hushing and rubbing my back. I couldn't make out his words over my shaking and sniffling but his voice carried me to safety from the dark thoughts permeating my brain.

"Shhh Si, I've got you," I heard him repeat over and over in my ear until my crying ceased. When I removed my head to look at him I noticed that his shirt was covered in patches of tears, but he didn't seem to care. He instead was more focused on rocking me in his arms.

"Jide?" I asked when I finally calmed down completely.

"Yeah?" He responded, opening his arms for me to crawl out of. I gratefully sat up and returned to my spot, his eyes meeting mine.

"You're my best friend and I love you to death," I cracked a smile, chuckling slightly. "I hope you know that already I just wanted to remind you."

"I know Simon, you're my best friend, I love you too," He smiled back, I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. He placed his hands on my waist and I buried my head into his shoulder, a fragile smile growing on my lips.

"Can we go eat some ice cream now?" I asked sweetly, and JJ laughed and nodded his head. He stood up and offered his hand to me. I took it, letting him lead me back into our warm home, the stars resuming their silent vigil as they drifted across the otherwise empty sky.

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