♡ 29 ♡

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BoMi ran to the bus station, but she was too late. The bus to Busan had left, and Jimin was nowhere in sight.

She had no idea where he would have gone, so she assumed he had gone home. After all, if this was goodbye, then he couldn't possibly still stay in here. Not if she was living here.

She wasn't sure why she was searching for him. This was what she wanted, after all.

Only it wasn't. She didn't want him to leave, she wanted him to fight, to fight with her until she let him explain, so he could try and make it all better and they could move on.

Instead she got a fucking letter and a heavy heart. What was he thinking?! For someone who was so experienced in making people fall in love, did he not know what to do once it happened? That would explain a lot.

Because he was right; she was still in love with him.

She was in love with his disgustingly sweet smile, and the way his eyes glinted when he looked at her.

She was in love with the way his attention was drawn to her every movement.

She was in love with his constant attempts to get her attention, despite burying it under bitter anger and frantic denials.

God, she was finally ready to admit that she still loved him, and now he was gone.

♡ Played ♡ - Park JiminOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz