♡ 16 ♡

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BoMi ignored the beads of sweat slipping down her temple as she spun.

As her arms bent, the skin momentarily stuck, slick with perspiration.

She had been at it for hours. Her legs burned, and her stomach contracted painfully, but she did not stop.

Tonight was different; it was special. She was not perfecting a dance. She was creating one.

On a whim, as the music absorbed into her skin, making it's way to her heart, she turned her emotions into movements, spinning and bending, dipping and rocking.

She kept her eyes tightly shut, not analyzing her movements. No, this was not something to be broken down, it was beautiful, and raw. She did not need to see it, because she felt it.

She felt everything, and yet with each step, she felt that her mind was erased. She became part of the song.

Her heart felt like exploding, but it was a therapeutic pain, allowing her feelings to pour out into the tsunami that shifted into a tornado of movements.

Her face was blank, and then, just as silence spread, and she keeled over, panting, her lips curled up into a relieved smile.

Enthusiastic clapping interrupted her peace, and she turned in surprise to see a smile like the sun.

"I've seen you practicing every night. Do you teach here? You're really good."

BoMi smiled faintly, standing up and walking closer. "I'm a student, but I do a few lab classes."

"You're amazing. That was a freestyle, right?"

She nodded.

"I could tell, because your movements were less tense. Losing precision but gaining freedom. It was great."

"Thank you...."

"Jung Hoseok," he really was a ray, as he grinned at her, bowing politely. "I just transfered. We share a few classes, but I sit in the back."

"Sorry, I've been told I don't pay enough attention. I'm Li BoMi."

"Say, would you like to meet me later? There's a dance competition going on under the bridge. I think you'd have a lot of fun."

BoMi collected her things, thinking about how Hoseok was new but already more involved in activities than she was.

"Sure, I think I'd like that. I just have to stop home really quickly."

"I'll walk you, it's really late for anyone to walk alone."

"No, it's okay - "

"I insist. If anything, do it to keep me safe."

BoMi laughed.

She felt popular these days. It was different, and wonderful.

♡ Played ♡ - Park JiminWhere stories live. Discover now