♡ 11 ♡

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"Why did you choose him, anyways?"

"I'm trying to enjoy my break, Jimin."

"Well, I can help you if you're looking for fun - "

She gave him a sour look, and he gave her that easy smirk that seemed to always find its way to his lips.

"Just leave me alone."

"Just answer my question, BoMi."

"I shouldn't have to listen to you whine because you're a baby that can't handle rejection."

"That's a little hypocritical, don't you think?"

Another pang to BoMi's chest - the old wound was reopening.

"So, just tell me why you chose him, and I'll leave you alone. I promise."

It was highly unlikely, but BoMi was desperate.

"Because he's not just talented, he's hard-working, and dedicated, and he doesn't give up. And he wants it, he really wants it. Not for his parents, not for his future, but for himself. And, maybe, because he didn't ask like an arrogant, disrespectful shit."

Jimin paused for a moment, and BoMi almost thought he'd keep his promise.

She should've known better by now.

"But, but he's just a kid! He can't possibly handle it better than the others, than me!"

BoMi narrowed her eyes, and stared directly at him, like she was really seeing him after all this time.

"You promised! Jimin, you haven't changed a bit. You're just as loathsome as ever."

"You know nothing about me. You're still the bitter brat that I remember you to be."

A harsh pressure pushed the cracks closed, and her heart was covered in stone again.

"I didn't used to be like that, you know."

"Oh, why don't you find someone else to blame all your problems on, BoMi. This whole heartbroken anguish thing is getting old."

The pressure intensified, and the stone began to crack from the strain.

"You will never get my recommendation. And you don't deserve to even know Jungkook. He's too good for you, and you know it. He's your friend, how could you talk about him like that? You're disgusting."

BoMi spoke through gritted teeth before stomping away, completely unaware of how her words affected Jimin.

All his life, he had been told that he didn't deserve things; he was used to it. But when she said it, it felt new. He raised a hand to his cheek, pulling it away in surprise. On his finger, a salt drop was slipping down before pooling to the center of his palm.

♡ Played ♡ - Park JiminDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora