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"WHAT IS GOING ON!?!?" I yelled aloud.

"Well... it's quite a long story." Lucy said while rubbing the back of her neck.

I sat down on the floor and crossed my arms."I have time...."

"Well, you were born you had both our powers. Meaning you were really powerful, at first we didn't think anything about it.... Until people from dark guilds tried to take you away from us, we were worried for you safety.... So we did the only thing we could think of,we sealed away your power and gave you to another family far away from here..... But were surprised that you made your way back to this town." Lucy said with a small smile.

"W-what if your lying? You could be registered sex offenders for all I know!!" I yelled. I was trying to act tough, but part of me wanted to believe them...

"Have your 'parents' ever showed you pictures of you when your a baby? Or don't like to talking about you when you were small?" Natsu asked.

"H-how did y-you k-know?" I mumbled.

"Because we have those pictures, and we know those stories you wanted to know about." Natsu told me.

"I can't just b-believe you if you tell me you have my baby pictures....."

"If you would come with us we'll show you..." Lucy said softly. The way she spoke to me just now... it was full of love, I've never felt that way before, not even with my other 'mother'.

"Okay....." I said before walking upstairs and packing some of my clothes and things that were special to me. And as I was walking back down I passed my 'parents' room. I saw their lifeless bodies, how they helplessly laid there. A tear rolled down my cheek, no matter what happens form now on...They will always be my other family.

Once I was back downstairs I saw Lucy and Natsu there waiting for me with a sympathetic gaze.

I gave them a sad smile before nodding, letting them know I was ready to leave... 


I'm now standing in front of a small but beautiful home, after talking a look at the outside we made our way inside. It was a modern home, I liked it.

"Follow me... I'll show you the room you used to sleep in." Lucy said before walking towards a bedroom. I followed her, once we were inside the room I saw a baby's room, it had pink walls and painted butterflies around the room. There was a white crib with a pink mattress, a small white and pink poka-dotted dresser, a white rocking chair, and a white changing table.

Lucy took out a scrapbook from the dresser and went to the living room, I followed her obediently. Lucy sat on the couch where Natsu was waiting for us, once I sat down the blonde opened the scrapbook...

There were tons of pictures of a baby girl with pink hair and brown eyes. While I flipped through pages I didn't notice I started to cry until I felt both Lucy and Natsu hug me. Their hugs make me feel so safe and loved. I couldn't help it anymore.... I broke down crying, not caring if I looked or sounded stupid.

They both held me tighter and did soothing words as I cried. I felt at home in their arms...

"welcome home, Nashi Dragneel." I heard Lucy whisper, I couldn't help but smile.

These are my parents....

My real parents...

My true parents...

I can't wait to see what's going to happen from now on..

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