Chapter 15

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A few days after Katie and Travis admitted their deep, undying love for each other (Okay, maybe that's exaggerating) things were a little more normal. The Demeter cabin was on their way back to their cabin after tending to the strawberry fields.

"Alright guys, try to clean up. We have to get to the dining hall for dinner in fifteen minutes."

Katie led them up the porch of their cabin and unlocked the front door. When Katie opened the door, she gasped.

The whole cabin was covered in red rose petals. A few people gasped from behind her.

Lily ran forward and grabbed a handful of petals. She sighed. "They're fake. Don't worry."

They all walked in. There wasn't one spot that wasn't covered in rose petals.

"Hey, Katie. There's a note on your bed," Poppy informed with a grin.

"I wonder who it's from," Xander wondered sarcastically.

Katie felt her face get as red as the rose petals. She picked up the note on her bed and unfolded it.

All it said was, "Dinner?"

Katie rolled her eyes. "What an idiot," she mumbled.

Lelia plopped down on her bed, ignoring all of the petals. "Can you get your boyfriend under control? At first I thought these petals would possibly be for me," she joked.

Poppy laughed. "You're single."

Lelia grinned. "Secret admirer?"

Katie smiled and got up. "I'll go tell him to stop giving you false hope."

"Thank you," Lelia joked as Katie stepped outside.

She walked off of the porch and into the front yard.

She looked around.

"Okay, where are you?" she asked nobody.

Nothing happened for a few moments, but then, all of a sudden, two arms wrapped around her and lifted her off her feet.

"Hey, Flower," Travis's teasing voice said to her.

Katie laughed as he set her down. She turned to look up at him. "Hey."

Travis clasped his hands behind her back. "You like the rose petals?"

Katie rolled her eyes. "I liked that you didn't kill a whole bunch of real roses." She was pushing against him like she wanted to get away, but Travis knew better and held her close.

Travis grinned. "Romantic, right?"

Katie laughed and put her hands behind his neck. "Totally."

Travis leaned down and put his lips to hers. Katie loved the way it felt to kiss him. She didn't want to get used to the feeling that she got in her stomach. She didn't want to lose the energy that rushed through her.

She had a feeling she wouldn't.

Travis pulled away and grinned. "So?" he asked.

"So what?"

"Dinner? I have it all set up."

Katie raised an eyebrow. "I guess I can't say no, can I?"

Travis shook his head. "Not really."

Katie smiled. "Alright, then. Lead the way."

Travis took her hand and they started off into the woods.

Travis Stoll and the gardener - Katie Gardner and the idiotWhere stories live. Discover now