Chapter 7

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Hey guys! Sorry, this is kind of going to be a filler chapter):

I hope you like it, though!


The first encounter with a monster wasn't as bad as Travis had thought it'd be.

Yeah, the fighting was terrifying and tough, and yeah, Travis got shot and Connor was hurt pretty bad, but something happened between Travis and Katie.

Travis didn't know what, but there was something. Maybe she was starting to warm up to him. There was definitely not a chance of romance between them, that would never happen. Maybe they would eventually just be friends.

Aside from that gross relationship stuff, the three left the nursery by ten o clock the next morning.

Connor was feeling better and Travis's arm no longer hurt...Katie was quiet though.

Travis had tried to go through all of the things he'd said to her, to make sure he couldn't have offended her in any way, but couldn't come up with anything. He wanted to know what was wrong.

Travis didn't ask her, though. Connor was there and it'd be kind of awkward.

After the three hurried to get out of the daycare they started their trek towards a town thirty minutes away from the Pennsylvania border.

It was a smaller town. Not many houses or stores.

There were a lot of people, though.

"Why are there so many people?" Connor asked, looking around.

Travis looked to Katie for an answer, but she shrugged.

"Let's go find out," Travis mumbled and stepped into the crowd of people.

They all seemed to be jamming themselves toward one store.

As soon as he could see the store's name, Travis new why everyone was there.

"It's the world's most popular joke store," he told Connor and Katie.

"This is Jolly Jordan's?"

Yeah, it was a stupid name, but it was popular.

"Well, we have to go in!" Connor decided.

Travis glanced at Katie out of the corner of his eye to see if she was okay with this. She seemed to be in a daze.

"A little stop wouldn't hurt..." Travis reasoned.

Katie looked to him and gave a small smile. "Yeah, let's check it out."

The three managed to scootch their way into the store without getting trampled.

It was amazing how many different people here were. Travis saw some really sketchy people, some kids, and a lot of British people.

These were his kind of people. He didn't understand why he wasn't as excited as he should have been. Connor looked like he was in heaven.

Travis watched Katie skim over all of the different gag gifts. She was still in a daze.

Travis picked up a pair of glasses with a nose and a mustache attached to it, and put them on. He met Katie gaze and stuck his tongue out.

Katie gave a smile and picked up a pair of glasses for herself. The glasses she had had bushy eyebrows attached to them.

Travis laughed at how cute she looked in them.

Yep. Travis could admit she was cute, because she was. In fact, she was adorable.

Katie had taken off the glasses and started over to the whoopy cushions.

Travis looked over at Connor to find he was talking to red haired guy with one ear. Travis wondered how the guy had managed to lose an ear. Prank gone wrong?

While Connor was talking to his new friend, Travis made his way over to Katie. He stood next to her as she looked over the fake snakes.

"You thinking about using those snakes?" Travis joked.

Katie gave a small smile. "I could put them in the gardens to freak everyone out."

Travis nudged her and grinned. "Now you're thinking."

Katie rolled her eyes. "Gods, I'm turning into you and your brother."

"Hey, we're pretty cool."

Katie smirked and looked over a bag of fake frogs. "Whatever you say, Stoll."

"Don't deny it Gar--" Travis almost called Katie by her last name, but told himself not to, and said "My Flower" instead.

He mentally slapped himself.

Katie laughed. "My flower? C'mon, you've got to do better than that."

"Tree stump?"

She laughed again. "Yikes, you're losing your touch."

"Am I?" Travis asked, leaning in closer to her. Katie didn't move.

She gave him a motherly look and asked, "What the Hades do you think you're doing?"

"Oh come on. Don't pretend like my good looks don't make you nervous."

She smirked. "That'll be the day."

Travis backed away and shrugged. "It was worth the try."

Katie gave a small laugh then Travis felt someone pat his back. He turned to find Connor.

"Dude, I just talked to this guy about these incredible pranks! Him and his twin brother used to be like the masters of pranks at their boarding school."

Travis smiled at his little brother's enthusiasm. "Awesome. Camp needs some new pranks. Right, Katie?"

Katie rolled her eyes. "Definitely."

Travis tried to enjoy the rest of looking through all of the tricks and pranks, but all he could do was wonder what was up with Katie. She had tried to hide what was bothering her, but it was clear that something was up.

Travis wanted to know what it was.


okay that was super short but I'm kind of having writer's block.

Travis Stoll and the gardener - Katie Gardner and the idiotWhere stories live. Discover now