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It was a new semester and the freshman were coming into Seiren High School that formed last year. All the clubs were recruiting in desperation to get members including the singing club. "Come and join the singing club!" Izuki shouted. 

"Maybe we have to sing." Koganei shouted. Mitobe just nodded no in embarrassment. Koganei turned around and bumped into someone harshly. When he looked up he saw the ferocious eyes staring down on him. "Is this the singing club?" the giant asked as Koganei looked up in fear. He nodded and Kagami carried him off. 

"Ugh. WE can get at least 3 more." Riko sighed. "These days I don't think people like to sing." Hyuuga replied. Kagami sat down on the chair and asked if he could have an application and wrote on it placing Koganei on the table. "I don't have a particular reason so I didn't fill it out." he left with those words. "He went to America to learn?" Hyuuga said as he read. "You forgot one application." Koganei replied with a application in his hand. "Kuroko Tetsuya. Went to TEIKO SINGING CLUB!!!" Riko shouted in excitement. "WE are so lucky! BUT HOW COME I CAN"T REMEMBER THAT GOLDEN EGGS FACE!" she screamed. "These first years are going to be amazing." Hyuuga sighed. 

"Ok!" This is the singing club and I am your coach!" Riko said. "WHAT IT WASN'T THAT GUY?" the first years point to Takeda sensei. "No that is our adviser Takeda sensei. No that we have been introduced, take off your shirts!" Everyone said what and took them off. She examined them. "You can only reach octave 3 right?" she asked the first year. "yes." he replied and she said you have to do better than that. "You, You can only do 50 jumps in 20 seconds right?"she asked. "Yeah. But what does that have to do with singing." he asked. "STAMINA! YOU NEED STAMINA TO SING FOR 3 MINUTES!" she shouted to everyone. She examined kagami and was amazed at his numbers. SHe couldn't see his potential. "COACH. What are you staring at?" Hyuuga questioned. "Oh um. *looks at her clipboard*" "That is all of them." Hyuuga answered. "Where is Kuroko Tetsuya then." "Oh the one from Teiko." Izuki stated. "TEIKO!" Kagami and the others were surprised on came here. 

"Well I don't think he is here. Time to start rehearsing!" Riko said happy. "Umm excuse me. I am right here." Kuroko said in front of her raising a hand. "AHHH! Where did you come from!" she said shocked. "I was here the whole time." he replied. "You are practically invisible. Are you really from Teiko?" Izuki asked. "Yes." he answered. "You weren't a regular right. You couldn't have been." said Hyuuga. "Actually I am a regular. I have participated in concerts." he replied shocking everyone. "Now, you don't look like one. Are you sure about that. I have never seen anyone famous like you." Kagami said. "Of course not. I was the back up singer in the very back. No one could notice me. Even interviewers forgot about me." he answered making everyone look down on him. 

She tested everyone on their skills and found that Kuroko wasn't  big shot she expected him to be. But Kagami had a raw talent for singing emotionally. He was going to be the lead singer. He was also good at electric guitar. Then at the second years vs. first years Kuroko's talent was shown. He was good at backing up voices and fixing flaws singers had made and even could handle improv singing when singers forgot their lines. Everyone realized he was the phantom sixth man of the Generation of Miracles. When he went home he talked to Kagami at Maji Burger that he would be his shadow to his light and make them the best in Japan.

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