28. The One In Which War Begins

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Jason deflected that attack and started engaging End himself with Piper by his side. However, Calyspso was still shattered and broken. They'd lost Leo. They couldn't see Nico and only assume the worst. Hazel was just taken to the infirmary. Thalia looked barely able to fight. Hylla and Frank had to lead the campers against the monsters. Grover and the wild were busy fighting off the monsters who had attacked from the forest. Once a leader, always a leader. Jason immediately realized the circumstances he and Piper were in. He knew they were hopelessly outmatched and they needed help. They needed the one person who could fight end, so that Jason, Thalia, Piper could all go and defend their home from the vile creatures who still outnumbered the campers. Unfortunately he didn't know how to call Percy. So he kept on fighting. But end was so ridiculously strong every moment seemed like it would be his last. Every attack seemed to backfire, every counter attack getting blocked easily. Jason, being a veteran of war knew he would soon fall. He just didn't want Thalia and Piper to go down with him. So he did what a hero would do. He made a suicidal plan. He went into ultradefense. He kept on shifting his feet back while continously blocking end's moves. End thought Jason was backing down, but in truth, he was readying himself for what he thought was his last chance. Once he had gathered enough breaths and concentration, he abruptly stopped. Seeing this, End, instead of finishing him off got confused and stopped himself.

"Young Godling. You're giving up? You want an easy death? Ask for it, I can be very generous when I want to be." End smiled triumphantly, practically shouting these words. The words radiated in the war zone. The determination of the campers had been so much that both sides stood shocked that a demigod would give up. When they saw which one it was, they stood there dumbfounded. For once, the war had stopped.

"Jaoson! What're you doing!" Piper sqeaked in a tiny voice, seeing her boyfriend in a neutral position with sword pointed towards the ground against an enemy like end.

"What's he doing? Getting himself killed?" Annabeth muttered weakly, still finding it difficult to stand on her wobbly legs. Had there been an enemy there, she wouldn't have fancied her chances. But end had thrown her on the opposite side, so she was in home ground, well guarded by her friends.

"End. You have caused enough damage. We killed Gaea. We can kill you too. Just leave, and we'll forget anything happened."

"Hahahaha..." End gave a hearty laugh.

"If it was a request it was so rude it didn't even sound like one. If it was a threat it was so fragile and childish I had to laugh at it. Just because you defeated Gaea you think you stand a chance against me? Do you even know what I'm truly capable of? I haven't even begun yet, and I already got one of your little immortal friend killed and the other gravely injured. Your army is still outnumbered against ours. I find it amusing that you'd dare call the shots." End gave another small laugh.

Jason didn't know what to say. He didn't want to attack, he was saving his energy for one last attempt at destroying or at least weakening end.

"You amuse me demigod. And I have seen so much in this universe, I've reached a stage where what amuses me, impresses me. And when someone impresses me, I offer them a chance. Jason Grace, I know who you are. Join me. You know very well what's going to happen to this camp. To you. But if you join me, I can pardon you, grant you life." End said.

He was so confident of having placed an irresistible offer in front of Jason that he was already smirking.
"No." Jason stated firmly.
"No?" End said, raising an eyebrow.

"I think I said it clearly the first time, or are you too old to hear?." Jason mocked.

"You insolent piece of scum! I grant you life, and in exchange instead of falling on my feet and worshipping me, you have the nerve to mock me! Now I will kill you and all your friends painfully." He glowered at Jason.

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