4. The One With The Time Lapse

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4 - The One With The Time Lapse

On Celestio, 75 years later:


"I don't think so; you've tried it a million times and failed miserably. You can try once more if it makes you feel better though, I don't really mind." I said, laughing delightfully.

Now you must be wondering what's wrong with me and why the Hades am I laughing if some crazy maniac wants to kill me. But no, this isn't some crazy maniac; it's just my friend Skylar and myself training in the Celestio Training Arena. I met Skylar two days after I came here, and since then we've hit a chord and become really close friends. We usually train together, not because we are friends but because whenever we do we get the best out of each other. We are the best here, better even than the commander. Me, because since I've come here all I ever did was training and missions; and her, because, well, I may have forgotten to mention earlier - Skylar is not actually just some random girl, she is Princess Skylar Void, daughter of Lord Chaos, member of the Primordial Council since the past 32 years. Yeah. So you can understand why she must be so pissed off at being defeated by a mere lieutenant. Though rank has never been an issue between us, I know somewhere in her mind she keeps on wondering how to outsmart me with a sword, even though all her plans prove disastrous.

"One day Perce, One day I will defeat you, and that day I will finally sleep peacefully."

"All the best, your majesty" I teased her. She hates formalities, just like her dad.

"Don't push me, Jackson, I'm sure you don't want to taste hobnoric skin in your tea tomorrow morning" She smirked.

I shivered at that. Hobnors are creatures of the Dertuil galaxy and, consumption of their skin can make you go insane for hours at a stretch.

"That's it for today, we'll continue tomorrow," I said and hurriedly walked out of there, but not before I heard the peeling laughter of Skylar. I couldn't help but smile at that, I knew she would never do something like that to me. It is actually the tone of her threats that would scare the crap out of me. Apart from Lord Chaos, Sky is the only one who knows about my past. And she understands me better than anyone here. Elmont obviously knows, but that's because Earth is his domain and it's his job to find out what's happening there. Skylar is a beautiful yet strong 5'7" brunette girl with a cheery smile and happy face, but don't let that fool you. Once she picks up her sword, she is a sinister machete-wielding serial killer hardwired with a strong will to win. Piss her off and you won't see the next day's sunlight. But to those who are close to her, she is the best, most understanding and trustworthy friend you could ask for.

I left the training arena to go to my HQ. It was my job to monitor the cameras in Army Province twice a day to ensure that security was intact and nobody was snoring off or had any problems in carrying out the assigned tasks. Everything related to the citizens of Celestio was also my job since Commander Omega was busy with solo missions assigned to him by the Council. As a result, the citizens knew and recognized me better than Omega. I have done multiple reforms on the planet, including rules and infrastructure after I found out it caused them inconvenience.

"Sir, Lieutenant Jackson, this is Sargent Mordridge, over", my walkie-talkie buzzed.

"Go on Mordridge, I'm listening, over" Mordridge is a GI of galaxy 21 and also my second in command. You see, based on experience and achievements every GI is given a rank, and Morridge is Sargent.

"Lord Chaos has called for an urgent meeting with the Council; your presence is required there, over."

"Okay thanks, sarge, be there in 5, over and out." While I may have sounded all calm and business-like to Morridge, I was freaking out inside. It's not every day that you receive a summons to the Primordial Council after all! Well, there's a first for everything, I guess. I headed to the conference room where the Council meetings are always held. Upon entering, I was greeted by six pairs of eyes boring into me. I nervously bowed down to everyone. In case you're wondering, yes I did bow down to Skylar since here she's not a friend. She is a member of the Council and a person of rank and status far higher than mine.

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