Boxing my way into your heart

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Hey guys! this is a new story i made, so tell how it is ! i really would like to hear from youh! (:

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‘Why do girls always want something more than a one night-stand?’ I asked myself as I slipped from the bed and the girl that was laying there. I got up to go shower not being able to stand the smell of sex on my body. Now don’t get me wrong I love sex as much as the other guy but I sure as hell can’t stand the smell afterwards.

It was repulsive, although the girl was repulsive too, not in looks obviously but personality wise. I’m not some pansy guy who only dates girls for their personality, because if I said that then I would be shittin you. No I like both, but of course have yet to find a girl with those qualities and trust me I looked. Getting in the shower I began to wash off that skanks perfume and lip stick. Ugh! Why did girls have to wear so much damn makeup? I happen to like a girl who can pull off the no makeup look, and the girl I just shagged defiantly wasn’t that girl. The skank whose name I think is… no I think its Kelly… oh who cares?!

The girl no matter what her name was wore makeup like a second skin, the only reason I picked her up in the first place is because I have been busy at work this whole week and my body needed a little something extra, if you get what I mean. She just happened to be the first one to fling her body at me… literally.

She was came out of nowhere and just landed on my lap, she was so god damn drunk I couldn’t get her off me and then well I kind of stopped and began seducing her. Well there wasn’t much to do all I had to say is ‘Want to get out of here?’ and she practically dragged me to my apartment. Some girls are so desperate, another quality I hate. Finally knowing I got all her smell of my body I grabbed a towel and headed to my room with the skank, I got a pair of boxer on before she woke up. When she did she smiled that drunken smile and with her index finger signaling me to go to her. Why the hell would I go to her? She was disgusting, she was everything I hated in a woman; she was clingy, she snored when she slept and practically flings herself at men, oh and wore too much damn makeup. Yup defiantly not going, I shook my head at her and said “I can’t I have to get to work” I told her, that skank will have to kill me in order for me to get in that bed! I moved to my closet, hearing groan and whine with that little screechy little voice of her “Why!? Don’t you love me? I know what I love about you and it’s not anything you can see with your clothes on, so come over here!” I paid her no attention as I began getting my clothes together and putting them on, well I’ll have to add ‘screechy voices’ to the hate list. I sighed again; this girl was giving me a headache. I finally walked out and saw her already dressed and waiting for me; her clothes were wrinkled, her blond hair sticking up everywhere, and her makeup running down her face. Yeah I got to pick them better next time.

She smiled at me again and said “Can I have your number? So that maybe we can do this again sometime, I had I really great time last night.” I winced as her voice got more annoying by the end of it. I quickly replied “Hell no! This was a once time thing honey why would I give you my number?” Ok maybe I was a little mean, but I mean C’mon! Her voice was so annoying! Her lip trembled and she began sobbing and hitting me on the chest, not like it hurt but still. She then said “You are a bastard, do you know that?!” and with that she ran out the door, pinched the bridge of my nose and headed out right behind her to lock my door so I wouldn’t be late to work. I hope today wouldn’t get any worse.


what did you guys think? isnt he a jerk>! lol (:

comment and vote!!!!!!!!!!!!

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